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Nature of the wall

Bobtastic said:
For selfish reasons... I'd love to see picture of the cabinets construction!

I would like to make my own ADA style cab.

Your tank looks lovely. Great idea, really well executed!

Hi Bob

Unfortunately no photos were made in the building. But even share with a few larger picture of the cabinet. I hope the pictures will help you!


DIY pedant lapmp:

Sylvania Grolux T5 24W (8000K)


Venture HQI 70W (6500K)


HQI armatures


Bottom view


Plan view


The lamp is in action

Bobtastic said:
That looks nothing like a DIY lighting rig! It looks amazing? What do you do for a living Levinen? You're clearly got construction and fabrications skills (and probably the tools!).

I also love to use my hands, but the lamp is not my doing. A friend of mine created the light, who works in a place like this. A sample of the light provided by ADA, but unfortunately it was a much more robust, but it performs its job. 😉
Photo from the toilet. 🙂

WOW! This is a really awesome project and a great use of space. Definitely something to aspire to here! The DIY light fixture is a nice piece of work. I need to make a friend in the metal work business!
Thanx Juliet and Jimmy! I'm glad you like it! 🙂
Accept love for the next mood picture, titled: Fish in the living room

Hello again.
Here are the photographs which were sent to the AGA contest. I do not expect too much, just a little criticism of the famous jury members, as every year. Good luck to the competitors of UKAPS! 🙂 :thumbup:

Front view:

Side view:

Planting plan:
An amazing set up, finished off with a beautiful 'scape. This has really inspired me. Thanks for posting! Also... A magnetic strip for the tools! Seeing that was a true "why didn't I think of that" moment. 🙂
Thank you gentlemen! Are images more beautiful state, but the HAC After I'll be able to share. Thank you again! 😉
HAC (Hungarian Aquascaping Contest) 8th rated.

