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nano - 323 for 8

I've been looking at the dennerle nano's recently and this makes me want one even more now! Lovely tank :clap:
Please do! How about HM, suits smaller tanks and is much easier to get dense. H umberosum is another possible option.
adding a lot of co2 to this tank at the moment, and added a lot of crypts, parva at the front and x willisii further back which I've had from day one, june 3rd 2008 🙂 and some juncus repens to the right, also a Cryptocoryne wendtii brown on the left.



oh and some Elatine Hydropiper doen the front too.

thanks to The Green Machine for the plants, top quality :thumbup:


Good luck with Elatine Hydropiper, i will be watching with interest!
Any updates on this very smart looking nano? Would be interested in how you got on with your hydropiper as I've been growing it in my nano also and am interested to see your growth rate ect.
The Elatine Hydropiper looks interesting on the web, never seen it before this thread!
Chris, Ive found that a little with mine.

In the transition period from being in the jelly to underwater it melted hard. So even though I had a very crammed pot of it that actually covered the foreground of my nano pretty well I was only left with under half a week later.

I've recently run out of co2 and its still doing fine despite being told it really likes huge amounts of co2.

How's your HC emmersed window going? I'm trying the same in a lunch box with cling film and EHP haaha. Post some new pics of the tank and HC set up mate would love to see how its going.


a few bits of wood moved around... the parva is filling out nicely. the EHP is in there but hasn't done much, I've got loads of co2/ferts going in.

Ryan HC is long gone... it got moved into the nano before I had CO2, just easy carbo, and it didn't like it much.
I have got some parva and ehp in a tupperware pot, I'll try and do a pic once there is something to see :lol:

Looking good Chris, the scape has grown in well and will look great once the hydropiper gets a move on haha, the wooods looking rather grand too 8) If I could I'd have dozens of nanos set up, there great little things. 8)

EHP is a strange one I havnt found much searching on google really, and as you say with the Co2 and fert decent light ect you'd think it would be fine but it doesn't really entertain you much. I've had no co2 now for a good 3weeks and its still just behaving how it was when I had co2.

I've started a lunch box with a few pieces of EHP and if I can get them to play ball then ill take the rest from my tank and replace it with HC, what was your HC set up like?(substrate,dosing wise) I've heard moist potting soil is a good.

Cheers Chris
