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My vivarium (pic heavy)

have to be honest with you, i don't mist.. at all.
All i have is a background dripping system, that drips some water every 3 hours on the background. humidity is ok due to the heated waterpart in the front that evaporates all day long.
as you can see, all is growing well
Is maintenance on the viv hard work? whats your maintenance routine? How often you trim plants? cheers
maintenance is pretty easy, i cut the plants once every 2 weeks, refresh a bucket of water each week and drop a bottle of fruitflies in every week.
and clean the glass once a week
LondonDragon said:
Is maintenance on the viv hard work? whats your maintenance routine? How often you trim plants? cheers

Vivarium maintenance is 100 times easier than planted tank maintenance.
So beautiful 😀 it's a shame i don't have the money to set one up myself!
tnx for all the positive comments 🙂 i will be changing the layout drasticly over the upcoming months. I want to make something like this.


will need some new pomps for the waterfall and have to make a complete new background. But when i saw this picture i was sold.... I need to make this... 🙂