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My venture into my new 760 ltr planted tank .

johnson529 said:
wow that is an amazing tank. Well done, Must take some man hours maintaining every week.

Maintaining it is easy. I take less than an hour a week now.
It looks better in the flesh. I am really happy with it. We spend hours every week just watching this little world.

I must post a couple of Pictures. The tank is still running fine. Everything still works perfectly.
I have added cover glasses to the sump and to the main 95% of the tank. Covering the tank was to stop condensation in the conservatory. It also helps with the Co2. I am still not 100% happy with the way I introduce the C02 and will look into that in the near future.
We enjoy going to the shops to get fish to go in it. I jot rid of most of the fast growing stems in the tank. It now is so easy to look after. It takes me about an hour a month now I don't have to hack a jungle back on a daily basis.
I need to add a few more rear tall plants at one end a sort a couple of other plants out but thats about it.
We get a lot of pleasure just sitting and watching our little underwater world.

glad its going well simon and your enjoying it. how long does your co2 last now you have sealed your sump
Hey Simon,

this has been an interesting journal for me particularly becuase the tank is sumped and is a consideration for when I move. However the amount of co2 replacement you were initially doing would a bit prohibitive for me going down the sump route.

In my 1600 litre i have 2x 5kg bottles which last me at least 2months before i need to change. What is the change over for you now? i cant remember the co2 canisters you were using but i think it was alot larger size than i have.

Hi Mate
Thats some tank you have there.
I have no idea how long its going to last but my Co2 usage is dramaticly less now I have added the cover glasses.
I use a 45kg bottle, I hope it will last until the new year.
I would hope to use 2 of theses a year .

Hi, ok then that is a big improvement, 90kg and I am using 60kg in a year. I suppose though depending on the size of the sump and factoring it up I would probably need to look at using larger bottles and would probably looking at least double the co2 you are. Thanks for sharing, would love to see more photos on how plants are developing.
Hello Simon

I am totally stumped and amazed by your journal, the make and the final product. Its simply awesome.

Any updated photos or vids on the tank??

(I know I am a bit late on this, but saw this only today!)
Just read this, all 37 pages, what a inspiration,great tank Simon and great advice from many. Hope the tank is bringing you and your good wife many hours of pleasure. Plus need up to date pics :thumbup:
Thanks chaps.
The tank is still running fine. I have cut the Co2 and ferts down to limit growth. It basicly looks after its self.
I give it some attention once every 3 or 4 weeks for half an hour. Top up the dosing bottles as required,quick clean of the glass, wash off the glass tank lids and cut off anything thats got to big . I did give the substrate a going over with one of those suction things at the beginning of the year
Everything still works perfectly just as when I fitted it. I did have a breakage of an up atomizer but that was my fault cleaning it.
I have added an air pump feeding two big stones in the sump over night. That was just for piece of mind after reading a few other threads.
I feed the fish once a week and they are doing great. I only have algae eating occupants in the tank now.
The sump runs fine. The inlet foam filters are do for a clean, they come out and go in the washing mc (when the wife is not looking) on a quick wash. that's the only maintenance the sump seams to need every 3 or 4 mouths
I love it. Yes I still have nothing fancy plant wise and its just planted randomly but it gives me great pleasure.
When I get a chance to borrow a camera I will get some snaps.

Always Broke said:
Thanks chaps.
The tank is still running fine. I have cut the Co2 and ferts down to limit growth. It basicly looks after its self.
I give it some attention once every 3 or 4 weeks for half an hour. Top up the dosing bottles as required,quick clean of the glass, wash off the glass tank lids and cut off anything thats got to big . I did give the substrate a going over with one of those suction things at the beginning of the year
Everything still works perfectly just as when I fitted it. I did have a breakage of an up atomizer but that was my fault cleaning it.
I have added an air pump feeding two big stones in the sump over night. That was just for piece of mind after reading a few other threads.
I feed the fish once a week and they are doing great. I only have algae eating occupants in the tank now.
The sump runs fine. The inlet foam filters are do for a clean, they come out and go in the washing mc (when the wife is not looking) on a quick wash. that's the only maintenance the sump seams to need every 3 or 4 mouths
I love it. Yes I still have nothing fancy plant wise and its just planted randomly but it gives me great pleasure.
When I get a chance to borrow a camera I will get some snaps.


He' Alive lol, Thats right simon, Get some pics up! Your well over due. lol. 😀
Wonderful tank Simon, you've been inspirational not just with your stellar efforts but with how much stuff you've made yourself rather than getting pre-made (the drilled spray bar, the water change relay box, the sump, etc.)

Looking forward to watching pics (and hopefully a video!) of this tank grow, I can only dream that my large tank project will even come close to this one!
Like some others, I just stumbled onto this thread. What an absolutely amazing read. I can guarantee that there's a whole bunch of envious blokes out there. The comment way back where someone said this was "totally mental" was bang on the mark.

Would love to see this in the flesh one day, and in the mean time, updated photos would be awesome.

Simon - what an inspiration this is.

This is simply amazing, what a huge amount of effort and commitment.
What happened to this tank? any updates?