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My venture into my new 760 ltr planted tank .

A few quick pictures.

Its still just a mixture of plants of which I am slowly learning about.
Don't seem to have any problems. I have a lot of pleasure sitting watching this mini world existing.




Congratulations on a great looking aquarium!

I can imagine that's great to experience in the flesh. Photos can rarely do large tanks justice.

Do you have a video function on your camera? A video clip would be very cool...
Well its all a bit of a mismatch of plants and planting. That suits me really as I could not spend the time looking after a scape. I like the wild ,see what happens look. I have bought some plants from a couple of guys on here clearing out there tanks along with a mix of 50 or so fish.

It takes me about 40 mins to an hour a week on it. I get no algae problems. It sort of just looks after its self as long as I feed the plants and fish. Once a month I clean the prefilters in the sump, that takes all of ten to 15 mins
The water change system still works perfectly along with the dosing pumps feeding the plants. I have had a couple of timmers that did not want to keep time but changing them for different ones fixed that. The 45kg of Co2 is ok . Just about to change it for a full one again. All in all I am happy.
Next year might see a bit of a change in planting once I come up with a few ideas. Mainly though I like seeing whats there developing.

Yeah, this is totally my type of tank and planting scheme which I had a lot of fun helping plan. I like the tweaks and additions you've made too, and overall, I'm so happy its come out this good for you mate 🙂

Please keep us updated :thumbup:
I am enjoying seeing this tank develop. Myabe I have missed this in the journal but what species of fish and ivertabrates do you have in this huge setup?

You have a huge scope for fish selection so was just wondering if I have missed it.

Top work so far.
awesome tank. ive always dreamt of having an indoor heated pond in my conservatory, your efforts were fantastic - i'm very jealous!!
Hi Simon,i have just finished reading this journal from start to present,i cant imagine what this looks like in the flesh,

very well done to you,it looks awesome,