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My tanks Old and Older and New and Now

Nice colletion of tanks, also like the one with the bamboo, neat idea 🙂 Cube looks great too and the lastest scape is coming along nicely 🙂

Great work, just never enjoy seeing bettas in such little tanks, but thats my point of view, keep it up and post more photos 🙂
LondonDragon said:
Nice colletion of tanks, also like the one with the bamboo, neat idea 🙂 Cube looks great too and the lastest scape is coming along nicely 🙂

Great work, just never enjoy seeing bettas in such little tanks, but thats my point of view, keep it up and post more photos 🙂

Thanks, from experience most fighters i have had didn't like larger tanks and preferred smalle bowls with plenty to hide in.

I have a few Gaints now and they have hated large tanks and are doing much better in small cubes.
Oh its you!

Gill from Coventry... i only realised because I saw Guru Nanak calenders in one of your photos.

I have been taking a break from the hobby or rather been slack for the last year and a half although had one still running. Seems you have been evolving with the tanks... good stuff. 🙂
sanj said:
Oh its you!

Gill from Coventry... i only realised because I saw Guru Nanak calenders in one of your photos.

I have been taking a break from the hobby or rather been slack for the last year and a half although had one still running. Seems you have been evolving with the tanks... good stuff. 🙂

Hey Sanj,
How ya doing.
Good thanks,

got my 400 litre up and running...rainbows and denisonis going high tech with this and another 360 litre plodding along as a low tech all doing fine so far... 😀

sold my 240 6 months ago, but have a 180 waiting for a potential project, havent decided what yet and well need to save up.

So miffed I didnt subscribe to PFK when they were giving away free nanos... I see you got one. 🙂
sanj said:
maybe PFK should offer it again...I might subscribe. I bet they had a surge of subscriptions. :lol:

So gutted you missed this, I would have given you one of mine. As I ended up with 2 as one of them came with a smashed lid.
But i have sold them now.