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My Road to IAPLC 2017

Cryptocoryne wendtii green might look better instead of C. helferi. Crypts would add some 'aged tank' effect.

You know this is a 1000L tank right? These Cyperus are 40cm high right now and barely make it over the wood. Wendtii would disappear behind the wood. But I do have balansae in between the Cyperus for a little aged look😉
Took all Cyperus out. It did die slowly. No to very little growth. Probably not enough light because in the middle it did do best. So I'm looking for another plant in the back. Thinking about Eleocharis vivpara or Vallsneria nana. I'm scared the val will grow too fast and Eleocharis will look too wild/messy...:facepalm::bookworm::banghead: