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My old 180 rimless redone

jonnyjr said:
Good to see sum one else is also a fan of the Vortech pumps I was ridiculed for having one (mp10) but enjoy how most of the pump is outside the tank, variable flow, differing flow patterns etc. Being adjustable in terms of angle is not needed with the large flow pattern.

I have a MP10 on my 60cm cube.
Very user friendly device.
I think that is one of the keys.

Tom Barr




Need to whack the Blyxa back even further, uproot and replant to keep it lower. The back is still in the grow in phase as is the left side in general. Lots of current and the wood blocks a lot of light. Back ground will be mostly P stellata eventually, it'll take another 1-2 months worth of trim, grow out for it to look somewhat where I like.
I may switch back to Tonina. Both do well in current. The Starougyne responds well to pruning. I pinch off the tops, about 1-2" down, leave the rest still rooted. On higher clumps, I'll thin and take most of the larger dominate stems. Then the other stem tips fill in. This was less than a week after I removed about 70 plants. So it looks fairly good not long afterward. Nothing is worse than a foreground trim/plant etc that looks bad for a long time after wards. I tend to try and hack the plant in the front more aggressively, trying to keep it a safe distance from the front glass. The plants will fill back in those spots in the front in about 2-3 weeks. Cardinals and other critters are happy, frisky, well feed, eat most anything. Sorry for the point and shoot photos, I may actually do a real photo shoot someday. This tank is admittedly a long way away from any of that.

Tom Barr
Those last 3 pics are stunning!

I normally prefer the NA style aquarium with dense planting but this is really stunning!

Thanks also for the detail about the Staurogyne, very useful indeed! :thumbup:
I "is" stupid, that's what happened.............should quarantined.........got some weird super ich, could not stop it. Took 99% of the fish.

Watched as there was nothing I could do, jacked the temp up the 1st day I added that plecos who had some ich........and added the full dosing of Malachite green........3x a week 60% water changes.........added more GH and KH2PO4 salts.........some KCL also.........nothing stopped or even put a slight dent in the ich.........35 years of experience and ..........a tank for full of dead fish, about 30 a day..........for 2 weeks.........sucked to watch.........I do not care a hootannie about the $, I've had these cards for 5 years now.........to watch them die...........and I've had a bout here or there of ich in the past also.....never an issue, and never like this, I was always easily able to catch and address it.

Some very strong strain of Ich is all I can think of, I added 2 larger Q tanks now...........that is about all I can do, the other Q tank was full of left over fish I had not done anything with so I did not Q the pleco.

Son of a basket weaver...........

Shrimp? Heck, they are all over and not one of them died.

Do you get some spot algae on old leafs of Staurogyne, cause looking at your pictures you don't. Any tips on how to get rid of this (beside constant cutting and replanting)? New shots and leafs are looking super healthy in my tank, but after some time old leafs are getting some spot algae.
Maybe after a big trim, the old leaves, there are not many...sometimes get a little BBA or GSA, the plant stops defending these leaves and focuses on new growth, at least in that tank, other tanks, never get much of any on the plant's older leaves. Algae is rapidly buried and smothered by the growth rate.

If I just let it grow up and out, the algae is no longer anywhere.

But I trim often to keep it low, since it's 70% of the tank, this is a huge change and that's likely why the algae comes in a little bit, but it's 100% manageable. I dose the same thing to all my tanks except the reef/Non cO2, so I know it's not the dosing, it's the % biomass removed along with the high fish load.

I get some some amount on old leafs as seen below (zoom pls).

Any tips on how to get rid of it? Any potential imbalance / lack of nutrients?
Allow the plant to keep growing as it looks fine, except the old leaves, then trim the top and remove any ratty stuff below and leave only the nicer part.
I tend to wait 1-2 weeks longer than I would like before trimming plants when doing this.
Thanks Tom, will try to do that although Staurogyne is not a fast grower as Glosso or Hydrocotyle, so I'm not cutting it so often.
It will grow back and if you give it more light and less shading by other plants, should do pretty well recovery after 1-2 weeks


You can see post trim regrowth, color difference is due to new light fixtures and 2 days of blackout due to fixture swap (Old Coralife to new ATI)
Time difference is about 9 days.

Prior to trimming:

Another lovely scape Tom.
Out of interest (and sorry for reminding you of unpleasant past experiences), but how did the royal farowella fare with the ich issue, are there any still present in this tank hiding amongst the branches? Do they mind the covered substrate at all, or do they just stick with the branches?
1 male survived.

I have 3 smaller fry I saved before they got infected. P leopardus all survived, I'd figure they'd be the 1st to go.

If you compare the trimming, roughly 16 days since the vicious mowing job has elapsed.