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My Nano Nano - 10L Dennerle

Hi John,

what make is your co2 kit? Is it the Dennerle one.

I'm thinking of adding one to my 20L Dennerle nano that's all.

Do you have it on with a timer, and what is the rate you have it set for?

Your HC looks great, and i'm thinking about adding it to mine.
TDI-line said:
Hi John,

what make is your co2 kit? Is it the Dennerle one.

I'm thinking of adding one to my 20L Dennerle nano that's all.

Do you have it on with a timer, and what is the rate you have it set for?

Your HC looks great, and i'm thinking about adding it to mine.

It is the dennerle kit but with some tweaks.

Used Ebay glassware, massively cheaper. Additionally i've made the discovery that you can swap the 80g disposible cannister that dennerle supply with an 88g paint ball gun cannister from a regular supplier as they have the same thread.

difference in price is about £9 for the dennerle one, £3 for the paint ball cannister. A cannister lasts me about 3 months. Currently running about a bubble every 4 seconds, but i just alter it in relation to the checker for fine tuning occasionally as i've had issues with it fluctuating due to the diffuser/water height/water movement/plant mass in the small water volume (which i worked out at 7 litres taking into account the substrate and kit).

I'm struggling to keep any shrimp in this. I think I was OD'ing on the fertilizers when i first started dosing the TPN+. The surviving rainbow shrimp do much better with 0.5ml a day than 1ml a day.

Any idea on the HC die off?

Best Regards,
aaronnorth said:
nice pruning technique. HC loves extra NO3 and CO2

Cheers! learning pruning is exactly what this scape is about.

I was reading a bit about adding extra NO3 to the TPN+ for hc in here (londondragons journal i think). I think i'm going to up my overall dosing too.
Awesome Nano, well impressed! 😀
Credit on the wallichii! I've had some Tropica stuff in my 54L for about a month now - after the first trim two weeks ago it is really taking its time to come back and is looking nothing like yours!
nry said:
Credit on the wallichii! I've had some Tropica stuff in my 54L for about a month now - after the first trim two weeks ago it is really taking its time to come back and is looking nothing like yours!

Thank very much, it does keep going mental tbh.

I've actually inverted the planting to see what else i could do with the plants but just at the point where i was going to start doing some creative pruning the CO2 cannister ran out.


1st July 2009

This was in the same week as my main tank CO2 ran out for which i'm waiting on a refill arriving any day. This tank CO2 has become much more of an issue. My "genius" idea of using the pain ball cartridge has backfired on me. The cannister fitted and worked fine but when I went to buy a replacement I opted just to get another Dennerle one for speed of ordering. I got the cannister and fitted it but it wouldn't stop leaking CO2 through the bleed value/hole. I think what has happened is the slightly different diameter of the bevelling of the top of the disposable cannisters, after the screw thread, caused the sealing rubber to warp and now it won't seal properly. I've got an on going request for repair/replacement price with Dennerle but i don't hold up much hope. Plus i discharged an entire £10 cannister in 5 minutes into the air. Lesson learned.

I'm thinking i will go FE and am currently looking around for a reducer/solenoid thingy on ebay and other areas (this forum included) so i can potentially run two tanks with a splitter in the future. £50 or less suggestions welcome. 😀

So unfortunatly all the plants are suffering a bit as easycarbo isnt quite cutting it in this tank.

Best Regards,

SteveUK said:
Lovely pic John. Plants are looking spot on! I might pester you for any wallichii cuttings next time you have a trim :lol:


I have cuttings/spare now if anyone wants them, free, just pay the postage (donations to UKAPS welcome).

Best Regards,
hijac said:
SteveUK said:
Lovely pic John. Plants are looking spot on! I might pester you for any wallichii cuttings next time you have a trim :lol:


I have cuttings/spare now if anyone wants them, free, just pay the postage (donations to UKAPS welcome).

Best Regards,

Not to hijack, but after SteveUK has had some if there is any going spare i wouldnt mind a bit for my nano. I will dontae to UKaps, PM me your details and can pay you P&P
andyh said:
hijac said:
SteveUK said:
Lovely pic John. Plants are looking spot on! I might pester you for any wallichii cuttings next time you have a trim :lol:


I have cuttings/spare now if anyone wants them, free, just pay the postage (donations to UKAPS welcome).

Best Regards,

Not to hijack, but after SteveUK has had some if there is any going spare i wouldnt mind a bit for my nano. I will dontae to UKaps, PM me your details and can pay you P&P


Spare plants sent and some new photos of new scape.


Not so nano new CO2 (thanks dan)


14th July 2009


14th July 2009

Best Regard,

andyh said:
hijac said:
SteveUK said:
Lovely pic John. Plants are looking spot on! I might pester you for any wallichii cuttings next time you have a trim :lol:


I have cuttings/spare now if anyone wants them, free, just pay the postage (donations to UKAPS welcome).

Best Regards,

Not to hijack, but after SteveUK has had some if there is any going spare i wouldnt mind a bit for my nano. I will dontae to UKaps, PM me your details and can pay you P&P

Thanks for posting them so quick just about to make a donation of £5 to UKAPS.


Another really nice scape, what stone is it ADA dragon ?

Cheers T
TBRO said:
Another really nice scape, what stone is it ADA dragon ?

Cheers T


Will look better when the HC kicks off properly. I might bring the left side in a bit and allow it to spread that way more.

It is dragon stone from Aqua essentials, the same stuff i imagine.

Best Regards,
Lovely John.

I notice your using the Dennerle filter without the spray bar, are there any adverse effects, as i was thinking about removing mine, as it's brown now. :lol:
TDI-line said:
Lovely John.

I notice your using the Dennerle filter without the spray bar, are there any adverse effects, as i was thinking about removing mine, as it's brown now. :lol:

with a tank this small, with the filter turned up full blast i doubt there are any circulation dead spots so i'd say no. This way i can knock over my stems in the way I want.

I have the other spray bar for my 20L sitting in bleach just now ready for putting back on that tank.


Done with this scape now....


I'm having a little play with grasses and heather wood so if anyone wants the two stem species and the HC from this tank please do say as they are just going to be chucked in the next few days. I'm happy to pass them on for postage and a small donation to UKAPS.

Best Regards,