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My mini mountain

I really like that, looks really good with the sand, will have to look and see what my missus has kicking around and have a go at one.
Thanks! It has been fun watching the progress. it's nice to just sit back and let it do its thing. I really enjoy it.

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OK so I changed things up a bit. My last dish I loved but the square was starting not to work with the new shape of my moss. So I robbed my kids bathroom of there soap dish. At this point you all should have figured out that I am very broke. I work with what I got . Ok so I am not the biggest fan of the color. The shape is good it will allow the moss to grow in a more natural shape. Also it is a good bit deeper than the last. Which does a few things for me the rock I am using soaks up a good amount of water which is why the moss has climbed as high as it has. I do however feel that it has reached its limit. Being a slightly deeper dish it will rise the water line on the rock which will let it soak up a little more towards the peak. Hopefully the moss will climb just a little higher. My wife put the "WTF not in my kitchen" on my island chain idea. Soooooo I'm just going to make the best of what I have. Couldn't figure out a lighting configuration for that long of a tray anyway and not be an eyesore. To be honest I was planing on xing it anyway. In the end she saved me the headache.

Since I did its first trim the outer edges have started growing again. Seems to have a week or two pause after being cut. Did the same thing when I first minced it up. But once it gets going to fills in fast.

I plan on using the old tray and creating a meme wabi kusa or mini. I haven't decide yet on my media I think just because of the size (about a ping-pong ball) to prevent it from drying out to fast I may use a sponge cut into a ball wrapped in Java moss with an ivy of some sort (ok the ivy in my back yard on my fence REMEMBER broke 🙂 ). Or maybe I'll toss a few morning glory seeds in the top and see what happens.

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