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My latest tank...

Ahhh George.... Long time no speak!

Sounds exciting mate 8) If it is top quality Discus you are after why not try Sye Davies at http://www.daydreamdiscus.co.uk or Mark Evenden at http://www.devotedly-discus.co.uk (they both supply German Stendker fish) or Paul and Ange Lucas at http://www.discus-south.com (they supply Asian strains). I promise you they will be the best available!! 😉

Good luck with the setup mate and if you want any Discus advice give me a shout, I will point you in the right direction http://www.bidka.org 😉

I hope you do not mind me adding a links, I always suggest people visit UKAPS if they ask for plant advice on BIDKA. Remove them if it is any problem.
I am very good mate, I hope you are good too and had an enjoyable 'holiday' 😉

I have been very busy recently as we at BIDKA held the inaugural British Discus Show in Bristol last weekend!

Maybe UKAPS would do us the pleasure of attending next year 😉