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My first sight..

22 Mar 2012
Richmond, North Yorkshire, UK
..On a morning.
This is more or less the shot I see from my pillow every time I wake up 😀


Minus the light being on of course, that would be burning my retinas 1st thing.

Post your 'From the ..' tank shots here,
I think this is an important angle, as its the one you see most often.

It Will be interesting to see if people have scaped to accomodate that.
Jealous. Hugely jealous. Wish I woke up to that.

(Probably best my missus doesn't get the wrong idea from that comment!!)
LancsRick said:
Jealous. Hugely jealous. Wish I woke up to that.

(Probably best my missus doesn't get the wrong idea from that comment!!)


Thanks Lancs! Hope your getting your 4' tank sorted! Ive been watching 🙂
Hoping to get my hands on some equipment at an auction at the end of the month. If I can't then I'll have to rethink, since I want to upgrade the filter in the Trigon too, and I can't afford to do it all with brand new equipment!
What a beautiful sight in the morning. I'm so jealous at the sight of this. I mostly keep shrimp and ferts scare me no matter what I read.
hobbyshrimp said:
What a beautiful sight in the morning. I'm so jealous at the sight of this. I mostly keep shrimp and ferts scare me no matter what I read.


Thanks, I have amanos and Crystal reds in there and dose Fertilizers, no problems!
I also dose in my other tank with Red Cherries.
Have a good read here & get some info, then have a go when your more confident 🙂

got a pico tank as my bed side light, just shrimp and some moss with a couple of crypts.
That's a fantastic tank to wake to up Whitey98

At the moment this is my first sight in the morning 😳


But I'm hoping for something a little greener in the not to distant future - patience is a virtue so I'm told lol 😀
Emyr said:
Whitey89 said:
Get some pics up then 🙂

Any chance of you putting a few more photos up of this tank Nathaniel? So we can see it from the front? Looks great, a slice of nature at your bedside. A full ADA mini M set up by the looks of it?

Hey emyr,

Last night i cut the stems right back and changed the hardscape, will let it grow in and put some up 😉
Dexie said:
That's a fantastic tank to wake to up Whitey98

At the moment this is my first sight in the morning 😳


But I'm hoping for something a little greener in the not to distant future - patience is a virtue so I'm told lol 😀

Hey dexie,

Thanks 🙂 You go for it! Is the tank on your bedroom floor :lol:
Patience is where I fail.

Theres a little bit of noise sometimes but overall its ok. And acts as a rather attractive bedside lamp till 10pm 🙂

Hi Nathaiel

Yes the tank is on the bedroom floor at the moment - not for much longer though hubby will be building a stand in the very near future - I hope. This patience thing is killing me, but don't want to risk upsetting the DIY expertise so I've been soooooo good and I've not nagged 🙄

The tank used to be in my daughters bedroom so I'm prepared for the dull hum, I find it quite therapeutic really, not sure that hubby will, but in a moment of weakness he suggested in went into the bedroom. And as he insists there isn't room in the living room there is nowhere else for it to go lol.

Anyway it shouldn't be long now - not sure I'll have anything to compare to the fantastic tanks on this site but I'm excited at giving my first planted tank ago, and being able to have my choice of fish rather than my daughters 😀
Dexie said:
Hi Nathaiel

Yes the tank is on the bedroom floor at the moment - not for much longer though hubby will be building a stand in the very near future - I hope. This patience thing is killing me, but don't want to risk upsetting the DIY expertise so I've been soooooo good and I've not nagged 🙄

The tank used to be in my daughters bedroom so I'm prepared for the dull hum, I find it quite therapeutic really, not sure that hubby will, but in a moment of weakness he suggested in went into the bedroom. And as he insists there isn't room in the living room there is nowhere else for it to go lol.

Anyway it shouldn't be long now - not sure I'll have anything to compare to the fantastic tanks on this site but I'm excited at giving my first planted tank ago, and being able to have my choice of fish rather than my daughters 😀

Hey Dexie,
Thats good, I'm currently at the exact same stage as you with my 600x400x400. Ive been cutting some MDF to construct my ADA style cabinet.
Im a bench joiner so I luckly have all the tools to hand.

I will post you the link to my ADA mini M cabinet I built a month ago.

Its an exciting time, planning your aquascape. Then it turns into the frustrating part of making them reality.