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My first Shrimp Nano - First Baby shrimplets!

Hello All,

I wondering if anyone could offer some advise to improve my water parameters for CRS...

My current tank water parameter are:

PH: 6.8 (Not using RO as water straight from tap is very soft with low TDS levels)
TDS: 165 (Using Mineral Plue Ultra to get up to the level)

Unfortunately having done a GH test my levels are around 1, (despite using Mosura Mineral Plus Ultra which should increase GH level as well as TDS level).

I recall reading that Lindy was experiencing issues as her GH levels was very low despite her TDS being within correct parameters. So she used GH booster to get her level to 5, the recommended GH level to keep CRS.

However wouldn't increasing my GH level using GH booster also affect PH level, as advise my PH is current around the correct level to keep CRS.

Any advise would be very much appreciated🙂
Ok found Bee-Shrimp Mineral GH+, which supposedly increase GH without effecting PH, so have some from Freshwater Shrimp, so i think that is resolve.

Unfortunately while looking at tank i notice that wood had thin layer white slime, i didnt notice this happen when i first flooded tank it seem it only happen recently, could be perhaps because i added bacteria (Mosura BT-9) as i'm currently cycling tank.
As moss is attached to wood can't take out boil as recommended by a few peps on this forum, I've read conflicting threads some say that it harmless and should clear after a while, and that fish shrimp will eat it. I also read it can be harmful.
I planning on putting CRS in tank, be will hold until it clears or somebody suggest a solution.

Should i also stop adding bacteria?


Any advise would be very much appreciated
I've never had this on wood for a bee tank but had no trouble adding fish with fungus still on wood and amino shrimp too they seem to love eating it 🙂

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Good morning rolymo,

Hi Steveno
I had the same problem. It did not seem to effect the Amano.

If you have kids, try using the syringe that comes with a bottle of Neurofen or Calpol to suck off the slime.

LOL, my son is 5 now so don't need to syringe to medicate him, he would drink the stuff out of the bottle if he could as he loves the taste. But good suggestion, I'll pick up some from boots today. I recall reading in your journal that you boiled the wood to resolve, currently only a very thin layer but give the syringe idea a go.

I recall also that you Keith CRS and amano together was that ok?

Thanks again

I found my crs had very little offspring when they where kept with amano shrimp.... I wouldn't be surprised if they where actually eating them......greedy little things!!

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Thxs for info... Chaps

I found my crs had very little offspring when they where kept with amano shrimp.... I wouldn't be surprised if they where actually eating them......greedy little things!!

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I removed the Amano before introducing the CRS. But this was for aesthetics.

Given the above, was wondering if ottos would be a better alternative, have read they are the only safe fish to share tank with shrimp, would certainly be much easier to catch as cant remove wood as attached to weight under substrate.

Anyone have Ottos and CRS in the same tank?
It wasn't gh I had a problem with, it was low tds! mosura mineral plus ultra gave me gh5 with tds of 110
Crs will eat some of the white stuff. As is gets older it can be syphoned off the wood or scraped. I had it in my cube and didn't cause any probs, some fell off and got removed and crs did the rest.
It wasn't gh I had a problem with, it was low tds! mosura mineral plus ultra gave me gh5 with tds of 110

Apologies Lindy I stand corrected...actually you did mention this when we chatted... Must have spilled my mind. Not sure why my batch of mineral plus ultra isn't affecting GH, but as suggested perhaps test kit giving wrong reading, getting new kit so will see.

Crs will eat some of the white stuff. As is gets older it can be syphoned off the wood or scraped. I had it in my cube and didn't cause any probs, some fell off and got removed and crs did the rest.

Thats a relief... I'll prefer not to add any other livestock if I didn't need to.

Thanks again Lindy
Hello legytt

My apologies for lack of updates... The tank is doing well, I added 10 PRL's courtesy of George late last November, and was concerned that given my lack of experience and given cold weather that they wouldn't have survived long, but to my surprise I managed to keep everything stable and only had one fatality.

Came home after work a week after adding in to my tank to found one little fellow up turned, not sure the reason thou, at the time I panic and assumed I that was the start of things to come but to my relief it was just the one. I checked water parameters, changed as much water as I dared and up to date (touch wood) not hand any further fatalities.

My weekly maintenance involve cleaning tank using an air tube connected to a small plastic tube, these little fellows are messy, my clado carpet seem it collect crap! I change about 5litres of water using the same process that you documented in your journal (Thank you).

The colour on the remaining PRL's are simply great (Thxs George!), I even noticed one or two bellied recently but yet to see any shrimplets, fingers crossed. Any advice you could offer in improving their chances of survival would be greatfully received.

Unfortunately no photos at this time as not sure where the misses has left her camera, I will endeavour to upload a few update photos this weekend.

Hope your tank/s are doing well....
Clado is terrible for collecting crap!! Best advice I have had for shrimp tanks is "water quality is key" 🙂

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Steveno I just wanted to say that the guy who bred my very first crystals used mosura ultra mineral plus and to get the desired gh5 his tds was usually around 250. He breeds up to the highest grades.
Hello Lindy,

I currently using combination of mosura ultra mineral plus to get GH to level 5 followed by mosura TDS Up to get my TDS level up similar to how you describe in you journal, thou i maintain my TDS level at around 200, perhaps i should slowly increase to 250? i am also adding Mosura BT-9 to maintain my bacteria levels after water changes. Food is pretty much all natural, i not added shrimp pellets just a few banana leaves, Mulberry leaves and a few elder cones, do you think i should be add some shrimp food, i got an unopened packet of Biomax?😕

As suggest i notice a few bellied shrimps recently but no shrimplets as yet, anything i do to improve their changes of survival?


Your certainly not wrong about 'Clado' collecting crap it really doesn't long to get covered, it also bloody difficult clean.:banghead: perhaps I'll replace at some point but actually still like the appearance despite the maintenance difficulties. Also doesn't help being very short on funds.... 😉

Right i managed to track down the camera and just taken a couple of quick pics, apologies not the best at taking photos.

gOXI3Du.jpg W6OyGpp.jpg

The moss is filling out nicely, but given low tech is pretty slow going.

My shrimp are abit camera shy! 😀
When a berried females eggs hatch I use a mixture of genchems biozyme and baby biomax mixed up in water in a dish and then use a pipette to scoosh the mixture around the tank as the baby shrimp don't move much in the first few days/week so can simply starve. You only need a small amount as you don't want to spoil your water quality. you could try crushing the biomax into a powder instead of buying the smallest size of biomax.