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My first scape - ADA 60P - Jurassic Gorge


9 Dec 2013
Hi everyone,

This is my first scape since getting in to planted tanks and it has been a very steep learning curve to say the least and I've only just begun!! I must admit I have been pretty useless at collating pics of the build of the cabinet, hardscape, etc, but from now on in I promise I will keep you all more up to date.

The tank is now a week in, and I have had a lot of problems with floaters, perhaps where I hadn't planted before I cut the roots too short! However, most plants seem to of taken hold now. A couple of landslides despite substrate supports have made a bit of a mess of the valley area but I will get round to tidying it up. I also didn't anticipate just how many plants I would need, hence a couple of areas of bare substrate. More plants to follow this weekend...

Tank: ADA 60P (60x30x36)
Cabinet: Diy ADA style in white with DIY lighting fixture
Hardscape: Mini Landscape Rock
Co2: TMC canister, inline UP atomiser
Lighting: GroBeam 1500 tile x1 suspended 30cm from water surface
Filtration: JBL CristalProfi e700, Hong Kong lily pipe and inlet (replacing with nano Gush pipes shortly)
Heating: Hydor 200W External heater
Substrate: ADA Amazonia & ADA Amazonia Powder
Ferts: Tropica Plant Growth Premium and Specialised
Critters: Red Cherry Shrimp, 6x Amanos

Hemianthus Callitrichoides 'Cuba'
Pogostemon Helferi
Riccia Fluitans
Eleocharis sp Mini
Hemianthus Micranthemoides
Riccardia Chamedryfolia
Fissidens Fontanus
Fissidens sp Dwarf
Vesicularia montagnei ‘Christmas’

All seems to be going well now, additional plants will be going this weekend to fill the gaps. Shrimp went in after 4 days and all seem settled. Forgive my photography, the planted shot was taken on my iPhone. I will get round to 'attempting' some better shots...



Welcome aboard :)


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Fantastic layout mate! Can see you have done your homework!! Following this one for sure!!

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Looks great! I'm waiting on all the supplies to get here but then I'll making a wood/nature scape in a tank like this one.
Also curious do you you remember what seller these hong kong lily pipes came from, and why are you replacing them?
excellent rockwork and nice planting I am currently building cabinet for my 60p any pics of stand and tank from distance and how lighting rigged up etc

Thanks guys for all your kind words.

and I bet you are good at everything aren't you?
Ha ha I wish that was the case!!!

Looks great! I'm waiting on all the supplies to get here but then I'll making a wood/nature scape in a tank like this one. Also curious do you you remember what seller these hong kong lily pipes came from, and why are you replacing them?
Nice, can't wait to see it. There is nothing wrong with the pipes, it's just my personal preference that I'd like smaller pipes. They just came from fleabay, there's plenty of sellers on there offering them from Hong Kong/Taiwan .

excellent rockwork and nice planting I am currently building cabinet for my 60p any pics of stand and tank from distance and how lighting rigged up etc
I will try and get some pics up for you to see in the next day or so. The lighting fixture I used wardrobe hanging rail from Wickes, like a few other members have done. The cabinet didn't quite go to plan, as it was the first one I've built. But overall I'm happy with it for the time being. Good luck with your build.
OK so I had a bit of a disaster last night. When I got home I realised my CO2 solenoid timer has been running 12 hours out, overnight instead of in the day. The last 5 days instead of coming on around the same time as the lights it's been coming on 12 hours later. Complete school boy error that I hadn't set the 24 hour clock correctly. All is fixed now, however I did notice that I have a couple of small areas that appear to be melting! Now that my CO2 should be running at the right times and I've upped dosing to 2 BPS and lighting to 7 hours rather than 6, 50% daily water changes should I hopefully be able to recover the HC cuba?


Also I noticed last night on some of the hardscape there is tiny little cylindrical shaped dark brown bits. It's hard to see in the below pic but it looks like the substrate has been shaped by the shrimp, or could it be something else? It may be in more places but it's too hard to tell apart from where it stands out against the grey rock. Any ideas, this is completely new to me :crazy:


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Also I noticed last night on some of the hardscape there is tiny little cylindrical shaped dark brown bits. It's hard to see in the below pic but it looks like the substrate has been shaped by the shrimp, or could it be something else? It may be in more places but it's too hard to tell apart from where it stands out against the grey rock. Any ideas, this is completely new to me :crazy:


that would be shrimp poo mate, don't panic ;)

I was just asking about the seller of the hong kong pipes cause there seem to be a few different versions around. They are about a 5th-8th of anything I can get local, but I don't want to get something that down't even look like the photo's they used...


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Haha I thought it might be something like that! So many things to learn!!!

Yeah agreed, I've seen some pretty bad cheap lily pipe sets with poor glass quality and sharp edges on the inlets etc. Mine are by no means ADA standard but still pretty good for the price. If you're looking for some mine will be going on sale in the next month or so ;)
shame shipping from Hong Kong will be cheaper then from where you are :D
What size of rail did you get from wickes? I see they do 19 and 25mm but unsure which is best...

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