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My first planted aquarium

wayne hayden

16 Mar 2019
I. O. W
This is my first planted tank. I'm after some advice on anything I could do to make this better looking. And I've been struggling with my s. Repens, they are not growing and seem 2 be drooping leaves and look like they have been nibbled. Any advice much appreciated IMG_20190316_153532.jpg IMG_20190316_153504.jpg IMG_20190316_153452.jpg Screenshot_20190316_153810_com.android.gallery3d.jpg IMG_20190316_153703.jpg


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Hard to say what you could do better - Need a lot more info.

Co2 regime
Lighting regime
Maintenance regime

At first glance of the full tank picture I’d suggest plant heavier. The soil should be covered in tiny plants. More stem plants at rear. (Nb, soil would be better than the volcanoe stone substrate).

Hardscape I’d be inclined to add some tall wood (manzanita?) to give it height. Smaller pieces coming forward.
Also some small rocks at front to increase sense of depth and detail.

Hope that helps.

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Hi siege
I use pressurized coz at 3-4 bps
I dose neutro+ daily
My light unit is fluval plant 2.0 with 8.5 hours of light and 6 hours of c02 1.5 hours before the lights come on and off a hour before lights go out.
Filter is fluval 206
And I have a wave maker for flow.
I do weekly water changes usually 40%

I am in 2 minds in changing the layout of the tank. Creating more of a slope with substrate to create more depth. I would like to change substrate as well. I would love Ada soil but it's so pricey.
I do have stem plants at back and sides of tank that are new and haven't grown in yet but seem to be doin well.
I do have a algae issue as u can see from my anubius coin. Not sure wat type and how to get rid. But I think my s. Repens are starting to be affected by this which is resulting in slow growth. I dunno as I said I'm new to this lol. Thanks for your help. Much appreciated


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Ok cool.

Personally I’d start the co2 earlier, maybe 3 hours. Get it a nice lime green before lights come on.

Bigger water changes, as much as you can muster 70%+ no problem. Bigger the better. If you are having problems twice a week for a while. Don’t worry about doing 2 changes on the trot or a running water change.

Turn the lighting down will also assist and then slowly ramp up.

Think about ferts, I donot know the one you are using. Look at the ingredient percentages and compare to TNC Complete, when using tnc complete we usually follow the instructions for EA Aquascaper fertiliser. Rotala butterfly calculator will assist or simply change ferts.
It’ll Probably a lot more than you are doing!

Temporary floating plants are good.

also loads of shrimp (I can’t see any in the pic I looked at) are a must.

Remove any damaged leaves. Blast everything with a turkey baster when syphoning off water and scrub hardscape with a small wire brush. Clean filter often. Anything to remove waste organics.

Hope that gives you an idea.
And if I was to change my substrate, could I leave a layer of my current in to bulk it out or would it be better to just get rid? And any idea of the algae?
Check out James algae guide website, looks like green spot algae mainly associated with lack of nutrients, others will be wiser as to exact algae.

Up to you on substrate. If you want to go high at the back and save money leave some of what you have in under it.
Hi. Thank you. I have rummy nose tetras.
Blue gourami.
Bronze corys.
And bristle nose plecos