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My first aquascape 180l

wills wonderings

New Member
21 Nov 2020
Hello everyone!

I thought I’d join the forum in a little more active way. I recently setup my first aquascape and learned a lot doing so.

  • 180l Juwel Rio tank
  • Oase biomaster thermo 600
  • Sicce Wavemaker 1000lph
  • Co2art regulator
  • Co2art inline diffuser
  • sunsun canister booster (converted to use as a reactor)
  • 2kg fire extinguisher
  • Stock rio light + SUPERFISH Slim LED 74 - 46 W 7300 K

  • Syriu stone
  • 2 large driftwood chunks

Plant list
  • Amazon sword: 1
  • Hygrophila pinnatifida: 2
  • Ludwigia glandulosa: 1
  • Microsorum trident: 2
  • Microsorum pteropus 'Narrow' 1
  • Pogostomon Erectus: 2
  • Pogostomon Helferi: 2
  • Echinadorus Bieherae: 2
  • Alternanthera reineckii pink: 2
  • Anubias Coffeifollia: 2
  • Weeping moss: 1
  • Anubias nana petite: 1
  • Bucephalandra Wavy green 1
  • Bucephalandra sp Red: 1
  • Bucephalandra kedagang: 1
  • tiger lotus: 1
  • nymphaea sp taiwan: 1
  • couple of other random anubias or plants from previous planted tank (not aquascaped / low teck)

I spent about 6 to 8 months planning this tank due to moving apartment. It is somewhat of a triangle scape with a lot of inspiration taken from; George Farmer, MD fish tanks, Filipe oliveira and of course the guys at Green Aqua along with many others. In the end though I adjusted the scapes plans based on the large bit of wood I found and liked a lot 🙂


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Look good, nice setup and scape. I like the composition with the big open space, looks great with the bright Neons, swimming through it (or are the cardinals?)
They are neons. My local LFS seems to have a supply of really healthy strong and actually growing to be pretty large neons.
Just reduced light intensity a little by only turning on the second light for two hours a day and slightly increased the co2 bubbles per second.

going to add 2 more Amano shrimp to take it to 4 and 5 Otos as I find them cute and they eat algae so a win win
Looks great, good job! 👍 One thing i would do is move that lily to behind something, as once it grows in you will have to look "through" it to view the scape if that makes sense. I would maybe put it behind the wood next to the trident fern?
Looks great, good job! 👍 One thing i would do is move that lily to behind something, as once it grows in you will have to look "through" it to view the scape if that makes sense. I would maybe put it behind the wood next to the trident fern?
Tbh I’m considering removing it. Behind the wood it would obstruct a section of the wood with a lot of character that I view from the far side. I’m also planning on glueing a number of bucephalandra onto that part since it has many little wholes and stuff.
Still fighting the algae. Up and down battle for now. I had a week when it all seemed right and then it started going backwards again.

tonight or tomorrow I’m going to change to a reactor instead if an inline and I’ve turned my lighting period down to 5 hours.
Well, tried an inline reactor to make sure my co2 absorption rate improved and I hate the co2 bubbles.

Long story short mine had a poor seal. That being said I’m going to send it back for two reasons
1) poor seal on lid
2) it’s in my living room and has a real sound of running water. It’s not too much but it’s enough that it’s not good for a living IMO.
rescaped the tank about 1 year later. Didn’t add anything new (except sand) just took it all out, re organised and planted it.

Just need to figure out what to do with the left and right of the tank.

Might get rid of the sword and add stem plants. Any recommendations?


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