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My current 'scapes - 65cm NA and 30cm cube

Hi George

I use an inline Co2 diffuser in my current 60 cm tank attached to the filter outflow and to a spraybar. In a smaller tank I am using lily pipes with an in-tank ceramic diffuser and wow... the tank looks much better and the Co2 uptake seems not that bad. I will re-scape the 60 cm tank in a few months and I will be using glass lily pipes again... Do you find the "Seven-up" look is less obvious when using lily pipes (compared to spraybar)?

Hi George

I use an inline Co2 diffuser in my current 60 cm tank attached to the filter outflow and to a spraybar. In a smaller tank I am using lily pipes with an in-tank ceramic diffuser and wow... the tank looks much better and the Co2 uptake seems not that bad. I will re-scape the 60 cm tank in a few months and I will be using glass lily pipes again... Do you find the "Seven-up" look is less obvious when using lily pipes (compared to spraybar)?

Hi Jordi. I've rarely used spray bars in the past so couldn't really comment with any credibility. At the moment I have the CO2 on the inlet so there's no visible bubbles at all.
Hi guys and girls,

I'll be stripping this one down soon ready for a new 'scape. I've also another two empty home tanks to 'scape so expect some more journals soon! :)

Thanks Troi. :)

The 30cm cube will likely be a iwagumi with fake rocks (!) and the 65cm will be a classic Nature Aquarium with low maintenance plants - ferns, anubias, crypts, easy carpet. I'm thinking of DSM in the cube with Riccardia chamedryfolia attached to the rocks.
Thanks Troi. :)

The 30cm cube will likely be a iwagumi with fake rocks (!) and the 65cm will be a classic Nature Aquarium with low maintenance plants - ferns, anubias, crypts, easy carpet. I'm thinking of DSM in the cube with Riccardia chamedryfolia attached to the rocks.
Is Riccardia very difficult? I would like to try it (fits very well with mosses and low plants attached to wood and stones) but people report quite a lot of problems with growth and algae. Even Tropica mention it on its website. Surprisingly it seems that when it works it can swallow the whole hardscape.

Hi Jordi

I don't think it's very difficult but may take a long time to adapt to water. Once it's adapted it can be a fast grower. CO2 and good lighting obviously help a lot.
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I really enjoy your video. Watched it twice in a row yesterday. Very like swords at the background. I suppose you have enough depth in that tank to be able to get swords and still have room for everything else. Does it have dimensions like 65*45*45cm or that's different tank?