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my betta tank


3 May 2008
This is my betta tank.
I have recently rearranged everything so looks a bit messy could do with redoing the back as it looks a bit crap.
Filter is a little supa fish which i want to replace with a eden or other small external.
I was going to use a aqua one aquis 700 but I think the flow will be a bit to strong.
Substrate is just unipac sand
Tank is a fluval flora with the background removed.
I sold on the co2(to expensive) and filter( looked to big)
Plants are
p helferi
F fontanus
c balansae(to be moved to the big tank)
Rotala ?
And a couple of crypts that I dont know the name of.
Betta Splendens
3-4 cherry shrimp
1 x baby golden bristlenose( only short term resident one of my mothers babies )
Hope you like the pictures they were taken with my phone so not the greatest
does he not bother the shrimp? I have some amano shrimp i wouldnt mind moving over to my betta tanks to clean the moss
he will try if they are to small but they are too fast for him.
But they are all different I used to have one that lived with baby endlers fine and did not eat any.

I would imaginne that the amanos would be big enough to stand more chance than cherry shrimp.
If they have cover to get out the way try 1 or 2 for a week see how they go but beaware that he could decide to try and kill them at any point.

Over the years I have had a few bettas and the majority have been ok with shrimp.