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My aquarium circa 2000


11 Jul 2007
An interesting find from one of my friends last night, he sent me a picture I had taken of my planted tank 8 years ago. I had forgotten completely about it but seeing it now brings back both warm memories and a lot of amusement actually about how little I knew.


Note the plain aquarium gravel substrate but interestingly pressurised CO2 so at least I had something right! I remember that JBL CO2 set it was really good actually, can't remember what happened to it now. I think after I had this tank for a bit I got a Rio 125.

In retrospect I don't think it's that bad 😉
Great for a first effort mate!

Mine was filled with non-aquatics and I was scared of CO2...
I'd actually tried to do a planted tank far earlier than that, in 1993 really when I became very influenced by a tank I saw in an issue of Fishkeeping Answers. I bought a 3 foot tank and had it running with an undergravel filter and powerhead, I remember it had a bit of bogwood in it and loads of amazon swords, complete with yellowing leaves and brown spots.