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My 680 Dutch tank


5 Jan 2010
Final full tank shot:DSC_0011_01.JPG

Title: Dutch 680 litres

Dimensions: 6 x 2 x 2 feet

CO2: about 12ppm via an external reactor

Filtration: 2 x ehiem canister filters

Lights: 5 x 85w t5 tubes

Photo Period: Growlux 10 hours then 2 x 8 hours + 2 x 4hours

Fertilisation: Dry fert solution alternate days

Substrate: Gravel. Originally with some garden soil

Hardscape: Bog wood with moss

Flora: Right to left; Hydrocotyle verticilliata, Microsorum Windelov, Hydgrophils difformis, Cyrotocorne balansae, Nesaea crassicaulis, Crytocoryne petchetii, Bacopa carollina, Myrophillum sp, Ludwigia Rubin, Glossostima elanoides, Hemianthus micranthenoides, Ludwigia acuta, Java moss,Heterantherea zosterifolia, Nymphaea zenkeri, Crytocoryne wendtii green, Linophila sesifolia, Ceratopteris thalictoides,

Fauna: 20 Harlequins, 20 Rummynose, 10 pencil fish, 2 Dwarf Gourmai, Platies 50+ and more every day

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I love the openness of the front and the contrast of the red platy against the vivid green.
Wow looks like a extremely well executed Dutch in a traditional sense although a purist may say that there are slightly too many species!

How old is it?
Hi Rebel

The tank has been running in its present location for 16 years. It tends to get neglected in the summer when I am busy with my seasonal horticulture business and recovers in the autumn. I try to follow the NBAT guidelines regarding number of species however I have not been successful with all the species I have tried to grow. Pogostemon erectus had been a challenge if any one can offer advice on this. Also what other species have others founddo well in this kind of environment?
Beautiful tank, truly impressive.

Superb colouration as previously mentioned.

Look like a jewell of the natural world. Thanks for sharing it with everyone. 🙂
This tank is exceptional - if only I could achieve similar results!

What's the secret?! 😉

Is that a moss wall at the back, pictures have not come up very large on my laptop.
This tank is exceptional - if only I could achieve similar results!

What's the secret?! 😉

Is that a moss wall at the back, pictures have not come up very large on my laptop.

No secret just the usual things. Over the years I have added to the system. CO2 gave the biggest improvement. Our water is very hard and RO water helps. Oddly I find that growth is best with fewer water changes, contary to advice. Does anyone know why this should be? Over the years I have found some plants grow and other don't.

I have black card behind the glass on the back wall. The back glass is not cleaned.

Sorry if I have not posted the pics in the best way- advice?
I think it is because they are being attached as an attachment rather than a link from photobucket?

How hard is your water? It is something I'm looking into at the moment being in North Kent! What kind of mix do you do?
Thanks Alexander. The size allows the schools of Harlequins and Rummynose to swim the length of the aquarium. They occupy different parts of the swimming space. Rummy nose are always below and nearer the front of the tank than the Harlequins
Looks Great man. Plants look so solid and not on the blink of catastrophe like many ADA tanks with too much light. How many water changes on this one? And how much RO water? Do you know how hard your water is?