So, why did I swap to sand?
Aqua soil gets really disgusting without weekly cleaning, I really just don’t have time to clean it weekly. So fine sand should keep most of the detritus above the substrate layer.
Secondly, I moved to sand to further test marschners ratios. Currently my dosing still stays the same as aqua soil, not really seeing any difference, but it’s only been two days… but in the future I am planning on reducing my gh even further and dosing very Low macro+micros. Something like this:
5Ca target
2Mg target
1 K
(TDS should be bang on 20ppm with above dosed to RO.)
0.01-0.02 Fe DTPAproxy weekly dosed
Nitrogen dosed as always
1-2ppm N
0.13-0.26 P
Weekly macros
kh 0.25 or similar. Aiming to get a bit more ph stability for co2/pH checking purposes.
Water change every few weeks
The tank is currently on 90% sand. I know for a fact, tonina, cuphea, lud senegalensis, will do great in sand substrate.
Wasn’t sure my eriocaulon quinquangulare and centrolepis drummondiana would do well in full sand, as I haven’t seen any reports of successful cultivation in inert substrate. So I am trying a few of each of those species in sand.
Got some new plants as well in the main. Absolutely no space anywhere but who cares.
Cryptocoryne rosen maiden
Syngonanthus sp giant.
I always envied hufsa and her precious crypts so I decided to ease my self in with the Nurii. Sp giant is just to get revenge on an old friend, scroll back a few pages and you’ll see me kill it brutally under EI.

The ammannia just sensed something was wrong and 2/5 stems stunted lol. Everything else seems fine. Rotala hra is really red so I’m guessing my NO3 is pretty Low.
Really excited to see how far I can push the tank with sand.
Sand tank folk stick together
@Hufsa 😂 I’m preparing my self for a world of hurt and pain.