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My 100cm aquascape (nature style?)

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I think the algae is gorgeous. What are you keeping in there? 🙂
you should try moving the ferns about halfway down those two pieces of wood, instead of them being right at the top, it would look more natural..
Good advice! But I don't really know how, it's been glued and after three months, it is quite well attached to the wood. I'll give it a try.

BTW, Microsorum pteropus had quite some trouble adapting to the aquatic environment. The leaves twisted, melted and broke. There were even some roots growing at the tip of broken leaves.
Looks great, as does the algae on the rocks. Main thing that jumps out to me is the need of a white or black background.
Thank you. It has a white background, but not opaque enough (you can see the cables). I bought a cheap Hobby bg and had trouble sticking it without having bubbles (I should have moistened the glass). Now, it looks exactly like the wall it was supposed to hide...