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My 100*40*50

errrm, WOW!!!

i personally like the effect the darker patches offer 😀 well done, a tank to kill for :lol:
Hello guys,
thank you very much, you are always kind!
@ London Dragon: I thank you for re-loaded, last night I saw the photo, but not today, and I'm trying to re-re-loaded from picasaweb album, I hope you can see now.
@ Jay: thank you so much, Buti not understand 's exact location specified in writing. Anubias below?
I'm sorry for the delay. The dark area in photo is an area not covered with wood, and it is good because otherwise filling with too many plants, the wood would be stifled.
i really love this setup. the balance is very delicate. you keep it looking good, so well.

best regards,

Ciao Andrea,

l'aquario sembra molto piu grande in rispeto della dimensione, complimenti a un pezzo di natura in nella tua casa, a proposito penso che vostro Inglese e meglio del mio italiano 😉

james3200 said:
Ciao Andrea,

l'aquario sembra molto piu grande in rispeto della dimensione, complimenti a un pezzo di natura in nella tua casa, a proposito penso che vostro Inglese e meglio del mio italiano 😉


Il mio italiano è cattivo!!! :lol: , ma il suo acquario stupisce. 😀
yeah, well you could have whipped up a translator if you were struggling even though they are inaccurate.
Hi guys,
thank you very very much to everyone for your comments!! the italian comment from james it's so funny :lol: and i'm happy for his attempt 😀
I have a proposal, I teach Italian to you and you teach English to me.

ps: obviously I use a translator to help me remember a few words 🙄

In this moment i start to design a new scape for my tanks. Probably on April i'll make a new layout....i hope...
andrea ongaro said:
Probably on April i'll make a new layout....i hope...

Maybe you mean "in" April, unless you are talking about James' sister April, in which case this opens a whole new can of worms :lol:

Joking aside, I have lots of respect for your acheivements. Well done