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As for the Anunnaki, the race of beings from Nibiru, who created Homo Sapien by taking the indigenous people of Earth and splicing their own DNA to create a slave race of Hunans, used to mine precious metals for their own gain. Don`t even get me started on them? :thumbdown:

"Indiginous people of earth" What Neanderthals?? They did us a favour in that case. 😉
Quetzalcoatl said:
Very interesting Gobi. Thanks. :thumbup:

I had heard that the story of St. Claus was more based around fact, than fairytail. Coincidental that the story originates from the use of fungi with hallucinogenic properties?

Ahh, the old 2012 hysteria hey? :lol: Unlike Hollywood would lead you to believe though, 2012 and the predicted return of Kukulcan (Or Quetzalcoatl) bringing the “End Of Days/Doomsday” is nonsense? The Mayan elders actually believe the date 21-12-2012 represents a cosmic event of great importance to Human spiritual progression. The end of the Original Mayan calendar 21-12-2012 symbolises the start of a new precession cycle, and the start of the new calendar (Maya Long Count)
This transition will theoretically offer all inhabitants of Earth the chance as a species to align with the cosmic energies of the Universe and induce a massive, positive change for the better! :thumbup:

I had the pleasure of visiting Chichen Itza a couple of years ago. The place totally overwhelmed me? A civilization so old, yet so advanced baffles the mind. Did you know they had built an observatory for viewing the stars? This from a civilization over 1000yrs old!!

As for the Anunnaki, the race of beings from Nibiru, who created Homo Sapien by taking the indigenous people of Earth and splicing their own DNA to create a slave race of Hunans, used to mine precious metals for their own gain. Don`t even get me started on them? :thumbdown:

Anyway, probably not the best place for discussing these topics. Sorry Foxfish.
No more Meso American discussions I promise!

beam me up scotty! 😛
i too dont think we will see an apocolypse next year, rather i aim at the opposite, consciousness is rising all over the place faster than ever, but no birth comes with out pain.

when it comes to the annunaki, i find it weird that that part of out history hardly gets any attention, however, the glitch in that theory is that there is more than likeley tremendous amounts of minerals such as gold, scatered throughout the universe, so i have hard time beliving one would need to go to earth and create a hybrid rase in order to get it. the mayans were also fixated on gold, but they might have used it for its energy conducting qualities.

glad you went to Chichen Itza, really a remarkable place, except from the offeirngs that went on there in the last years. i too was there once and i remember a hireoglyph saying that "our gods from heaven came".. interessting to say the least. you ought to see Ancient Aliens, three seasons, on history channel or on the interweb.

when it comes to the neanderthals, quite recently archeologist concluded that they co-existed with homo sapiens sapiens for some 100.000 years and evntually died off do to competition with "us".

anyways, these topics are pretty far out there and we have tons pussles to put together still. :geek:

take care and have a nice christmass with or without soma..

kind regards :wave:
Quetzalcoatl said:
Funny I should see this thread here? I found these earlier!
They looked quite appetising. I made a nice Chicken Broth, and chucked them in. They didn`t taste that great I may add, but everything now looks extremly colourful, and slightly amusing! 😉

ate 1/2 a shopping bag of those once.. :thumbup:
Chanterelle, Masutake, porcini's, no truffels here, but we got all sorts of tasty stuff in CA along the coastal mountains.
Masutake are my fav....40$ USD per pound.

But the white truffel........ahhh........that's my fav in a good risotto.