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Murph's 260l 'Compatibility'


21 Apr 2010
Went for a rescape and ripped out the Beginnings 'scape.

Its funny how much tastes can change in such a short time. I went from wanting a basic iwagumi Scape to a much more planted scape in short time. I've even change the type of fish I'd like to keep, but more on that later.

First of I'd like to say that all the great scapes on here inspire me but off the top of my head LD's 'never ending' and Tonys Peacocks Crypt had me stunned.

Amazing work guys. Keep it up :thumbup:

Heres how the scape was

It was pretty heathy with minimum algae but the hardscape was too big and caused flow issues and I'd planted without imaging how it would grow. The blxya was packed far too tight for one. The stems were haphazard and I just wasnt happy with it.

So decided to ditch the stone and go with some Manzanita wood.

I don't have pictures of the setting up but lets just say it was a long and messy affair that at times I wish I'd never started.

I was surprised how much plant matter I ripped out and didn't replace in the end!

I jettisoned the Hairgrass as it didn't seem healthy with practically no growth and no signs of runners, no doubt because I'd packed the blxya in too tight and kept the c02 from it.


Not the best pictures but you get the idea. I'm not liking the stone on the right and will replace this with another plant when ordered. The stem in the middle will also be swopped out for a nice flowing crypt or two.

I've compromised with the sandy area for the sake of the corys and being able to clean up after feeding, Not sure if I'll stick with it we'll see how it grows in.

I've put some Angels in there. I dunno why, just on a whim really, there beautiful and elegant and I hope they don't eat the remaining amanos. I only have three after a disaster earlier in the week and will be adding more soon.

a few of the two tanks (along with the essentials - Tomato sauce and beer! ;) )

Anyways, let me know what you think.
I think it looks very nice already and in a couple of months it will look great! :D
Hi Murph,

I love this sort of scape too, I'm liking the sand foreground in the corner adds something different, I think its a nice looking setup and once those plants fill in think your onto a winner here! :thumbup:

Cheers Ben
Cheers ben.

Thanks George, its nice to have some positive feedback from an expert!
Its looking good. I will need to try and get down and see it in real life sometime soon, before you change it.

You are right about the wood looking better when it is in water.