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Moving an aquarium long distance

been waiting :lurking: :nailbiting:
Rotala, wisteria ...
In fact you can of course remove the fish into a "dustbin" days before you move the tank.

Hi alto, and all others, here are pics of the move.
My day started at 6am, and ran till midnight.
I was armed with plastic boxes, and buckets, plus a near perfect paper box + wife's yoga mat.
While I was rebuilding tank, fish were in 'bin' with filter running, for nearly 5-6 hours, before I moved them into their new home.

I killed off some of the biomass, as I decided that I did not like marsilea hirsuta, it is too invasive. Also I did not put in the ridiculously algea infested rocks. (By the way, what is a good method to totally sanitize rocks of algea?)

Due to the biomass reduction, I disconnected one of the T5 tubes. I may be doing some crazy stuff, but I decided to not run the 64l tank with two 24W T5-s for 7,5 hours a day like previous owner, but to experiement with what works. Presently have timer set to 8-10AM, 4 hour break, then 2pm-8:30pm. I also reduced flow of the Eheim 2071 to app. 60-70%.


After (today)
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This was a helpful post, as I will be moving my whole setup in about a months time, travelling for about 4 hour drive.
I always thought that bacteria in the filter could only survive for a few hours without the filter running? Its reassuring to hear thats not the case, hopefully shouldnt encounter any other troubles.

I will document the move and post about it