Ok not exactly moonlight but a strip of blue LED's that are supposed to replicate it. I just wondered what other peoples thoughts were on these.
I've just bought a strip of them off ebay and tried them out and it has really added another dimension to the tank. Previously the lights turned off around 9pm in the evening and that was it, now though i'll be switching over to the 'moonlight' LEd's until around midnight. Does anyone think this will cause any problems with fish or plants at all? I'm thinking probably not as they are such low power but others thoughts/experiences would be nice to hear.
My initial thoughts on it are all positive and I have a shoal of cardinals in my planted tank and the electric blue colour of these have to be seen to be believed under this light, absolutely stunning. Also some of the more nocturnal residents can be viewed going about there buisness and as I rarely see these fish during the lights on period its a massive plus. I also love the eeriness that it brings to the scape in general. The whole tank isn't lit up just kind of like a central subdued spotlight of blue that the fish cruise in and out of.
Regards, Chris.
Regards, Chris.
Ok not exactly moonlight but a strip of blue LED's that are supposed to replicate it. I just wondered what other peoples thoughts were on these.
I've just bought a strip of them off ebay and tried them out and it has really added another dimension to the tank. Previously the lights turned off around 9pm in the evening and that was it, now though i'll be switching over to the 'moonlight' LEd's until around midnight. Does anyone think this will cause any problems with fish or plants at all? I'm thinking probably not as they are such low power but others thoughts/experiences would be nice to hear.
My initial thoughts on it are all positive and I have a shoal of cardinals in my planted tank and the electric blue colour of these have to be seen to be believed under this light, absolutely stunning. Also some of the more nocturnal residents can be viewed going about there buisness and as I rarely see these fish during the lights on period its a massive plus. I also love the eeriness that it brings to the scape in general. The whole tank isn't lit up just kind of like a central subdued spotlight of blue that the fish cruise in and out of.
Regards, Chris.
Regards, Chris.