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ghostsword said:
Mortis said:
Luis what happened to the tank with the bonsai you were going to set up ?

I can get wter cypress that would look good, but cannot sort out the hill. Would need a piece of rock (or rocks) that would be at least 50cm tall to be good on this tank.

Got a couple of shallows that I can use for this, but the best would be to find the rock first then get a tank made for it.

A large piece of seiryu stone tall at 50cm and about 20cm wide would be good, or to use cement puty to glue large stones and make what I want.

Maybe for the summer, with a iwagumi under the water.

Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year

Sounds good. I think your best bet would be to get several long shards of rock and cement them together only in the middle so the joints just look like cracks from the outside. Leave a depression on the top and you can fill it with soil and plant in that. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with
Good idea, that sounds like a good idea, and should be easy to achieve, 4 long pieces then a large piece on the middle to glue them all. Maybe next year.


Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year
Wow, what a jungle!
I'm not sure about all the variety of plants, I like to keep it simple. Although it does look like a healthy jungle 😉

Hi.. Thanks for the comments.

The tank has 6 hours of light from a tmc led. Then it has two hours of two 24w lights. One at the bottom and another at the top on the back. This keeps the plants in the back bushy and green all the way to the bottom.

50% water change with RO.

Elos ferts, and plain gravel mixed with akadama at the back.

Plants are small form fern, needle fern, hygrophila augustifolia, anubias nana and weeping moss. I have added rotala walichi and rotundifolia, but they not doing well.

M. Matogrosense is a weed. This grows fast.

Fish are the Zebra otos you've seen, some black otos, 8 yellow tetras and 6 danio axelrodi. Some guppy fry.

Need to buy more axelrodi and some yellow tetras, maybe 10 of each.

Simple tank.
