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Journal Mission Bathtub 2019

Since water column fertilization gets a bit out of hand.. I keep adding and adding but see nothing change in the plants.. It obviously says it simply isn't sufficient enough, so i switch to root feeding and see where it goes..

Got me some extra plant food today, the good old Velda Blue Clay balls..
I've used often in the past, sometimes with mixed feelings and results, it didn't always do what i expected it to do.. And the label doesn't realy say what's in it.. It likely is a straight forward natural product that doesn't get analized nor enriched and likely different contents per batch. Dunno, Velda doesn't sem to bother, other than telling it brings your pond to life. 🙄 Take the word for it..

Found something new, at least for me it is.. And it doesn't seem to have a brand name, other than 10-14-8 (N-P-K). This i added to the baskets from the plants i think that are showing clear N difficiency.. And see how it goes..
Never used it before and it definitively is an artificial source.. That bright blue color kinda reminds of a product i used long time ago for terrestrial plants called Miracel Grow. It has about the same color tho that M grow was a crystalline powder and plants grew on it like mad. I guess it might just be that mixed with clay... This one clearly says Food for Aqautic plants and what it contains. Anyway, thats promissing for a start.. Now it's waiting to see if and when it hits in, should be within 2 weeks.. :thumbup:

I noticed with repotting pond plants that the nurseries add something that looks like Osmocote. Some kind of tiny gelly ball. Not sure if i ever going to try that in submersed soil. But if nurseries do put it in with pond plants i guess it can't harm. I can't realy find any pond plant information about using it.. I wonder..
Did some diggin on Osmocote.. It indeed seems to be used for aqautic plants as well. Tho it is not easy to find in small quantities. Anyway if interested the regular used Osmocote product used for pond plants, especialy Nymphaea.. Is

14-8-11+2MgO+TE - 5/6 months


Not yet found anything local selling it.. But found a web adres selling it at 10 piece pacakage.. Definitively going to give it a go when i run out of the tabs i bought today.

For the Dutch readers.

Tho a French Nymphaea nursery recomends Osmocote 10-11-18+2MgO+TE - 8/9 months
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The setup is complete again, the small plywood aquarium surfaced from the sellar again to join the system...


Did give it a desent trim to get out most of the potamogetons. And it seems to have grown some moss.. 🙂
Don't ask me what it is.. Some kind of Taxiphyllum i guess.. It kinda looks like 2 different sp. mingled but i don't know..

Potentilla starting to flower, despite its still showing some defficiency.. Actualy the first time it flowers, it's the 3th season now.

Added some Limnobium laevigatum, doing quite well..

A little bridge of DW over the 2 baskets with some horsetail in between..

Gratiola slowly returning, but its still cool, cooler than last year this time.. Slimey green filamentous algae is still thriving and growing on everything submersed.. This will go away finaly, the fish eat anyway if i stop feeding for a week they will feed on that.. 🙂


Little fat black Fancy is hard to catch over a dark surface.. Had to put in some lighter colored rocks wait till she swins over it.. And yes indeed it's a she, addopted it with the name Henry, but it definitively is a Henriëtta.. 🙂
I noticed it, because when it's spawning time, the Boys chase the Girls around pushing their nose against the Girls belly. And i've seen boys trying to seduce Henriëtta but yet she's not giving in. After all she's Elite and doesn't mess around with the Pleb.. 🙄

She a lovely fish, doing great and fully adopted into the group, when she first arived she was a little lazy bugger laying around not mingling with the group.. But she is in an active group for a few months now i noticed her also becomming much more active and competing for food and chasing others around..

I did read some horror stories saying don't keep these fanciies together with common gold fish because they might pick on and eat out the bulged eyes.


I think that is uther rubish!.. Goldfish don't do this, they don't pick eachothers eyes the are not Hanibal the Canibal.. And much to social and intelligent for that.. If anybody ever witnesed such behaivor i rather think the eye was damaged by other means before and that they rather help eachother with preventing it getting infected by helping cleaning the wound.. Rather this than eating eachothers eyes for for food or simply because of beeing a mean bugger. Common gold fish eyes also bulge a bit, so than it would be "Oh yours bulges more, lets eat it.. :banghead:

Anyway she doing great.. 🙂
The only problems with mixing twin tail and single tail goldfish together are the single tailed ones are much quicker to the food so you have to make sure they all get enough
The worst problem is if the twin tailed fish are female then they can easily be pushed around by single tail males leading to damaging eyes etc or in worst case death by constant harassment

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The only problems with mixing twin tail and single tail goldfish together are the single tailed ones are much quicker to the food so you have to make sure they all get enough
The worst problem is if the twin tailed fish are female then they can easily be pushed around by single tail males leading to damaging eyes etc or in worst case death by constant harassment

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Well i had my worries, after reading several points of consern.. Already took care of the food competition issue, with creating several area's i do put food in. Till now it seems to work pretty good, she's getting all she needs regarding food. There also is a lot of algae (Aufwugs) they graze on.

Regarding harassment it yet din't see it occur.. 🙂 She yet doesn't seem to carry eggs, the males push her belly to seduce her to join the spawning ritual, but she yet doesn't answer to this and the males don't bother just go on chasing other females into the shallows that want to spawn. I guess in this tub case the group is large enough with a healthy mix of less males than females.

I can imagine constant harassment if it would be other way around, to much males vs females. 🙂

She indeed is a bit slower and less agile with her cramped up anatomy.. But as said above, i noticed here getting more active and swimming faster over time. But she still is pretty much on her own minding her own bussines.

I'll keep an eye on it and monitor it several times a day. Yet not have seen one single reason to worry about. :thumbup:
Temps rising slowly but steadily.. 12°C in the shade, about 20°C in the sun.. Night frost periode officialy over thanks to the Ice Saints..
Flowers arriving. always thought that the Iris is one of the earliest flowring end may early june. But no wafter growing the Potentilla for 3 years it seems to be even earlier.

Despite this plant is still showing severe defficiencies, yet can't make any sense of it looks like it's everything there is to miss. Added root tabs, added watercolumn ferts, micro macro.. But yet have not seen improvement. Young leaves, old leaves all seem to be affected, but also see healthy leaves.

I hope the root tabs kick in soon, if not i'm at a loss wouldn't know how to pin point the defficiency.. Other than take it out and repot it with new soil..

Anyway, not only flowers arriving have some visitors too occasionaly..

One comming for a sip

The other for a dip and sunbathing on the Myriophyllum.. 🙂 Than one is actulay growing like mad and super healthy.
Despite this plant is still showing severe defficiencies, yet can't make any sense of it looks like it's everything there is to miss. Added root tabs, added watercolumn ferts, micro macro.. But yet have not seen improvement. Young leaves, old leaves all seem to be affected, but also see healthy leaves.

I hope the root tabs kick in soon, if not i'm at a loss wouldn't know how to pin point the defficiency.. Other than take it out and repot it with new soil..

Have you thought about foliar feeding the emergent leaves? Maybe it would respond to that? Just a couple of light sprays very early in the morning before any direct sunlight or later in the day as the sun goes down. If it responds positively, I would presume something else it getting the nutrients in the water column/sediment first.

Love the picture with the magpie! I think I could spend all day just relaxing and watching the wildlife in your garden.
Have you thought about foliar feeding the emergent leaves? Maybe it would respond to that? Just a couple of light sprays very early in the morning before any direct sunlight or later in the day as the sun goes down. If it responds positively, I would presume something else it getting the nutrients in the water column/sediment first.

Love the picture with the magpie! I think I could spend all day just relaxing and watching the wildlife in your garden.

Thank you!.. 🙂 Actualy no, i yet have not tried foliar feeding.. I'll give it a go... :thumbup: Very good idea..
Al tho i have some defficiency issues in some plants, i still can't complain..

Why some plants have an seemingly rather unsolvable defficiency, while others are thriving like mad in the same tub. I guess it is old pot syndrom and i need to do some repotting with new substarte next year. Since the plants in the oldest pots show this and others don't. First time i experience this in this setup..

But what grows, grows bonkers..

Myriophyllum exploding.. Funny is, it is sold with an oxygenating plant lable zone 4 and 5.. But i never got it to go realy, planted deeper than zone 2. This is maybe with its pot 5cm deep left in the dirt soil it came in. And it grows completely mad all over the place a dense milfoil forerst.


It also is making me a nice Wabi Kusa.. 🙂 You don't see it but it still in there.. A simple peice of DW placed as a emersed bridge between 2 shallow baskets left to it's own devices.
A naturaly made Wabi Kusa.. :woot: The only thing i did was drop in the DW.
This definitively goes indoors under a lamp before the summer ends and have some more WK fun with it. 🙂
That is amazing...Nature always does things far better than we can, and gives us a lesson in how to do it properly...😉

It absolutely does.. 🙂 Did it before, leaving DW in the garden tub to let nature do its thing. The 2 previous pieces of wood from this tub, are now decorating the Indoor red rock scape. :thumbup:

Lets name it the Lazy WK method.. :woot: But twice as effective if you have the patience.. :lol:
It absolutely does.. 🙂 Did it before, leaving DW in the garden tub to let nature do its thing. The 2 previous pieces of wood from this tub, are now decorating the Indoor red rock scape.

Lets name it the Lazy WK method.. :woot: But twice as effective if you have the patience..
All I can say mate. One word. Awesome

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Not sure, but it looks like i need to do some trimming.. 🙂


Potamogeton gayi going mental each year again, unbelievable how this plant takes off under natural light. This little tank is now packed with 2/3 Potamogeton and 1/3

Taxiphyllum moss..
Ludwigia repens also taking off emersed the latest 2 weeks.

A nice Echinodorus hiding and only showing its flower stalk.

Cyprus grass throwing seeds all over teh place..
I have to dive into the jungle with some scissors later in the day.. 🙂