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Minimum temperatures for plants


28 Apr 2013
Suffolk/Norfolk Border
Hi All,
Just a quick question on what is the minimum temperature for plant growth with plants such as crypts?
The reason I ask is that I need to set up some tanks for a crypt collection but haven't been able to source used insulation board to line out my wannabe fish house so don't want to be heating more than I have to at the moment.
Really depends on the species (ofcourse, I know). I've had Crypts thrive below 18 C..............but 1/ I can't remember which, and 2/ I wouldn't dare to start guessing.
Which leaves me to back-up on the 18 C...........that should be playing it safe !!
Thanks plantbrain and Mick,that's lower than I was expecting :) I shouldn't have a problem keeping them at about 20 C so that's great :thumbup: