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Mini UKAPS meet up - James3200s Planted discus tank

Hi guys,looks like you all had a nice day,cant believe the water turned cloudy over night sods law or what ,saintlys pics still show the colour of the fish nicely,
I spent the day with the master G MAn at Tgm and spent £300 on some dragon stone,iron wood,ada soil malayan,some pinsetts,and some moss and bits and pieces

Regards john
Looks like it was a good meet, shame I couldn't come! Shame about the cloudiness aswell but that's sods law eh... I like the photo of the Discus the most.
Dan got some snaps of us all sitting outside the pub, but he's gone to brother Farmer's this eve. Doubt we'll hear from him till tomorrow now :lol:

I had my camera, but forgot to actually take any photos!
For those that have not seen pics of us, Steve and I both look identical to our avatars :lol:

Joking apart, I did not notice any pics being taken of me, which is good as I am very camera shy 😳 But if there is a pic of me I am quite happy with that, it is just the posing for pics that makes me uncomfortable!
Good to meet everyone yesterday!

You can imagine my face when I got to the office to be in front of a very cloudy tank :twisted: Its a real shame as the pictures saintly posted look pretty good, and the tank was going through a good phase.

As saintly mentioned, when it clears... we will try and do it a second time

Looking forward to the next meet!


ps: I know what you mean about sitting in the pub Paulo! lol