You could make it but I would imagine it would cost more than just buying some ready made akadam... Interesting mind!
I use john innes No 3 in a tank of mine but used it as an emersed tank for a couple of months beforehand, it is topped with a black/grey sand and IMO I prefer it to Molar clay, mainly because it doesn't cloud easily and its easier to plant into.I was looking for peat but couldn't find any for months but now i've got some if I were to start again I would mix it 50/50 with the soil.
I haven't dosed yet but after winning some potassium nitrate, magnesium phosphate and magnesium sulphate from tankscape's facebook give away I will be starting soon. Im also saving up for a CO2 regulator and solenoid and I'm fixiting my luminaire so I can run two 24w tubes instead of just one. Despite not dosing, no CO2 and low flow ATM I have had great growth from all my plants and best of all I have no algae. I have absolutely no space to plant anything else though as I like densely planted tanks.
I am a big fan of Natural planted tanks and using soil gave me more money to spend on collecting my precious hygrophila's and other plants. I had no intention of doing ferts so I wanted a nutrient rich substrate so I wouldn't have to dose the water column.
After reading the replys I don't think I would use MTS as I would be mixing peat in with any soil I use in the future anyway so its not worth the time or effort to remove all organic compounds from the soil, I like having D.O.C's . I will just stick with normal soil and peat 🙂
Well I didn't know that lol, in that case I wont add any more peat to the mixture then. Thanks for that 🙂