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Marks 120cm Bay Fronted Jungle "A 5 Year Work In Progress"

beeky said:
What was the red ludwigia that you tried? L.mulllertii or L.repens "Rubin"?

I think it was Arcuata 🙂

SteveUK said:
Looking great Mark! Is the riccia much work to maintain?

no problem really, it's just hairnetted to cobbles, sometimes i just give it a trim and sometimes i re-net it depending how the mood takes me 😀
Ooh, erm. Well I'm going to be planting a 4ft, but only the back corner. I already have some, but it's not doing so well (dodgy order from a plant retailer I won't name)

I guess whatever is going spare 🙂 PM me what you want in terms of postage/donation etc 🙂

Just spotted your tank on You tube and got to say what a great healthy looking tank!

Can i ask about your co2 and flow. How did you get your flow so good, are you using spray bars, power heads etc? Can you tell me more about the setup?

ukco2guy said:

Just spotted your tank on You tube and got to say what a great healthy looking tank!

Can i ask about your co2 and flow. How did you get your flow so good, are you using spray bars, power heads etc? Can you tell me more about the setup?


Glad you like it mate, unfortunately it doesn't look quite as good at the moment as it's in the process of being run down while i find a home for the fish, once they have gone it's going to be a total rescape i think. 8)

The CO2 was pressurised from a FE pushing through a Rinox 5000 at about 1 bubble p/s and on 24/7. the filter was a Tetratec 1200 using the spray bars that come with it mounted on the side of the tank, flowing left to right and turned slightly downward to avoid to much surface disturbance. Usually you would be better off putting the spray bars at the back pusing forward but i found with the bay fronted design of tank that the angles seem to favour side mounted, it seemed to bounce the flow around in all directions :thumbup:
The only modifacation i made was to drill a small hole into the spray bar pointing straight down and then i mounted the Rinox under this so the downward jet smashed up the bubbles as the came out of the diffuser. No other Power Heads or filters were used. Hope that makes sense :?

Can't believe that video has had over 86,000 views :shock:
It's great to have you back, Mark. No photo or video could really do the tank justice, it was beautiful with so many layers of texture and detail.
Hope you're well, I look forward to seeing you soon, poker re-match!
Garuf said:
It's great to have you back, Mark. No photo or video could really do the tank justice, it was beautiful with so many layers of texture and detail.
Hope you're well, I look forward to seeing you soon, poker re-match!

Thanks mate! hope you are well too. maybe you can come down and give me a hand when i rescape this one then we can have a poker rematch. Sam! you owe me a rematch too 😀
It'd be a pleasure. We'll sort something out closer to the day but I'm more than up for it. There's quiet the thriving scene developing in London with the LFKC and the places like the living waters bringing some of the most unusual plants around into the hobby.
Garuf said:
It'd be a pleasure. We'll sort something out closer to the day but I'm more than up for it. There's quiet the thriving scene developing in London with the LFKC and the places like the living waters bringing some of the most unusual plants around into the hobby.

You are always welcome to stay whenever you fancy a mooch around London mate :thumbup:
Time to revive this Journal as this tank has been going strong now for a few years and it's time for a rescape :thumbup: the only things staying are the huge crypt in the front, which is now 4 years old :crazy: and the large piece of redmoor wood. i have pulled out all the old stems and bought a load of new plants that have been acclimatising in their pots for a couple of weeks now. So the plan is tomorrow to strip down the tank leaving the crypt and some of the original gravel in situ, top with new gravel and add some nice lumps of Plum Slate i bought today along with the redmoor, replant and refill. I will take photos as i go tomorrow and post the progress, i think it's going to be a long day :thumbup:
Alastair said:
Looking forward to seeing this mate, this journal was one of the first I read through when I joined

Thanks Alastair, well you are still here so at least it never scared you off 🙂 I'm getting excited now at the thought of a fresh start :thumbup:
Re: Marks 120cm Bay Fronted Jungle (Rescape with lots of pic

Well that was a long day :shock: started at 8am this morning by starting the new gravel rinsing in a wheelbarrow...

While that was rinsing i moved the fish and plants to their tempory home for the day...

and started to play around with the Plum slate i bought yesterday in the hallway, there is over 35 kilos there and it only cost me £12!...Result :thumbup:

and then it was time to strip down the old tank and remove some of the existing gravel, i also took the oppertunity to thin out that huge crypt that had got quite congested, hopefully it should recover soon. had to leave it in there though as it had such a huge root system...

once that was done i added a fresh layer of gravel...

and then added the rocks i had chose and added more gravel behind...

Then it was time to clean and put back the wood and a few more small pieces rock...

Now the hardscape is complete the planting can begin :thumbup: 🙂
Good stuff Mark.

Have you any more wood or stone?...It's just a thought, but maybe add a bit more wood on the right and a bit of stone on the left, to make the hardscape a bit more fluid.

it kinda looks like two different scapes in 1. :thumbup:

It's great, but could be improved slightly. I'm not being critical in a bad way mate :angel: