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Marks 120cm Bay Fronted Jungle "A 5 Year Work In Progress"

Your tank is really beautiful mark! I especialy like the crypt. the darker leaves are a real contrast to light green stem plants. nice one!
beeky said:
That's stunning. You should be very proud.

Did you mean for the Crypt to be the focus when you planned it, as it's perfectly positioned? The R. rotundifolia (I think) behind it is completely hidden though. When you trim next how about cutting it so it's in between the crypt and the background plant (not sure what it is!)

Thanks 😀 Do you mean the red stem behind the Crypt? thats quite a new introduction and still waiting for it's first trim but seems to be quite slow growing, you are right tho' somewhere between the Crypt and the Rotala in the background would be the perfect height. The problem is i have a huge piece of wood soaking at the mo that will mean i wil have to move that Crypt! i'm not looking forward to it, as it's a monster 😀
planter said:
Your tank is really beautiful mark! I especialy like the crypt. the darker leaves are a real contrast to light green stem plants. nice one!

Thanks Planter 😀 that Crypt started out as 4 sorry looking leaves about 4" long just 6 months ago and now i'm constantly removing leaves to stop it taking over the tank 🙂
Any updates mark? I'd be really interested to see how it looks now, especially the dingly dell.
Whoop! How does the wood look? resisted buying bolbitis and mosses for it? :lol:
It's slow, oh so very slow, best bet would be to trim of the burnt bits and give it time, mine too 2 months to start to regrow when I got mine. Leave a few leaves on though other wise it'll take even longer to get started.
Bold statements are the best, I can't wait to see how its changed the scape.
Since the last update i have been contstantly pruning and have now finally added that piece of wood 😀 the bare area of gravel front right will be planted with some Downoi soon, i have been trying out a couple of bits in the tank for a few weeks and it is growing well, so i'l order some more in 😀

Questions and comments welcome 🙂





Sweet lord what an improvement, amazing scape and even better plant health! I can't wait to see the bolbitis grow in and the downoi to arrive.
Garuf said:
Sweet lord what an improvement, amazing scape and even better plant health! I can't wait to see the bolbitis grow in and the downoi to arrive.

cheers mate i thought it was the perfect piece of wood as soon as i saw it 🙂
I agree, do you have a suitably pretentious name for the tank yet? :lol: