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Mark Evans IAPLC rank 137

Flawless photo Mark, I really love it and a good placement also. Don't get too disappointed about the contest, they are just to fill a hole in this hobby not the big picture.


P.S. What was the temperature of the back light and over the tank light? Or did you use gels for the back light? Cheers!
Irrespective of any contest result, this aquascape absolutely outstanding Mark.
Its not just the balance and natural appearance of the layout, but the execution and finishing that make this scape.
It is very rare indeed to see a scape where every single leaf could not be better placed. :clap:

Thanks for the feedback guys.

I'm happy with the ranking. There were some epic scapes' this year, but one or two that were ranked too high...that shouldn't have been.

The photo that I've taken here is my best full tank shot to date. Technically, probably one of the best FTS's in the competition...but it's not a photography competition, so no prizes there.

Some of which had blatant Photoshop work done to them. So damn annoying.

After thinking about my comments with regards to me entering again next year, I've been persuaded by many to reconsider that thought.

Next year, I'll enter something for sure.
Absolutely mate. I think it's a good debate actually.

They should be unedited. But I've seen some really bad Photoshop work on the odd one or two.

What you see in my image is pretty much what was in front of me on the day of shooting. Contrast and curves were applied. That's about it.

In my opinion, and I've said it before, Competitions should only accept RAW images. Then there's no argument.

Most cameras can take RAW images. All DSLR's can do it, and now, many compacts can take RAW images. Then, there's no room for manipulation. Things like 'fish adding'... I know many that do that little trick.

There are fish in my pic which I wish weren't there. I could have taken them out, but it didn't really dawn on me until after the shoot. I could have edited them out, but I don't do cheating.
Hi Mark
Just a photogrpahic question relating to RAW image files. As you probably know, many DSLR's have settings where you can tell the camera to alter the image it takes... functions such as "vivid" spring to mind. On my D700 for example, I can tell it to do this and it will boost colours. Or I can tell it to take the image in B&W. Do these settings only affect JPEG image files or are they applied to the RAW image too do you know ?

Hi Chris.

Anything you apply to the camera (settings) will still show in a RAW image.

The only difference being, a JPEG will 'lock in' those settings but a RAW image on the other hand, will still allow you to change every setting.

So, if you take an image in B/W you can still change it to colour with RAW editing software.(free with most cameras) DPP (digital photo professional) for Canon in my experience, is the best out there.

If you 'mess up' with W/B you can still change that in RAW.

A RAW image is the image, but with nothing 'locked in'

Showing a RAW image proves that this image is un-manipulated.

This is what blows me away with Amano's images. He still shoots analogue, and still uses Fuji Velvia iso50/100 (I used to use that)
hi mark .your tank and photography are beautiful.i used to enter a lot of photographic comps.i think when ever you have somebody judging your work it is only their opinion of your work.i have at times felt like packing it in but if you are happy with your work, tanks or photos, really that is all that matters. if you have enjoyed your self creating your tank then that in its self is something to be proud of.dont let them grind you down.
keep up the GREATwork .skankypup.
your works (photos or videos) is excellent!!! I keep watching your youtube video clips. it helps me to relax my mind.
Sad to read this topic. Apparently another great competition runs down into the trap of cheating and unfriendly competition. In this case, resulting in one of the best European scapers to not enter anymore.

@Mark, in any case you are a champ and the scape remains stunning. Can't wait to follow the next one. The only advantage is that now you can post more frontal pics as you do not have to worry about competition rules for not doing so 😉