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Maidenhair Bank

Hi all
This tank is exactly where I want it at the moment, not too much work!🙂 I have been taking out a lot of plants which has cut back maintenance time tremendously. Another change is that I now have joined the fancy LED revolution and got a TMC MicroLED 200 for my recent birthday!:woot: This tank also gained more fish: 5 more Boraras Urophthalmoides (did have six but lost one🙁 ) and 5 Galaxy Rasbora. All fish are settled in great and I see the male Galaxy Rasboras sparring every day, which is fascinating to watch! Their colour goes so intense and you think they are about to rip each other apart and then... they just swim away!🙄 Anyway, enough text let's get some pictures!





My new light also has a night mode in which only two of the sixteen LEDs are on. It looks like this:

Thanks for looking!🙂
Hi James,
tank looks great, and you can tell that you are enjoying it as much as the fish are 🙂
Do you keep the water so low to prevent jumpers, or do you like the emergent growth?
Hi James, tank looks great, and you can tell that you are enjoying it as much as the fish are Do you keep the water so low to prevent jumpers, or do you like the emergent growth? Cheerio, Ady.
Thanks very much Ady!🙂 It's nice having a tank in my room so I can do what I like without complaints from the parents... It's been topped back up now but when water level was low it was because we were having a bit of a heatwave up here in Scotland, with the heater set at 24 degrees and the temperature of the tank at 29 degrees 🙂eek: ) I thought I'd better be careful of any jumpers as shrimp don't really enjoy fluctuating water conditions. I moved the heater down 2 degrees which helped but everything is back to normal now!🙂

tank look very cool. is it hard to get them plants growing out of the surface?

Thanks very much mate! It's not hard at all and it's mostly down to not cutting them in time and they started growing out of the tank. I thought it looked quite nice so just left it!🙂
Hi everyone
I was getting a little bored of the way the tank was when I was seeing it every day so I have done a rescape and also moved the tank to a different location in my room. The rescape isn't finished yet and I'm still going to restart my Staurogyne carpet as it's getting quite dense! I need your opinions though, dragon stone or seiryu stone? I splashed out and bought some of each at my LFS yesterday but can't decide which one would look nicer in my tank. Please give me some advice as I kjnow there are many hardscape gurus on here!🙂


And here is the tank in-situ:

I've not updated this one for a while! It's grown in now after the rescape and is doing very well. I'm hoping to take some shrimp to my LFS possibly in return for 2-3 sparkling gourami if they can get them in. The LED is still sufficient too, I would recommend it to anyone with this sized tank.

The Java Moss is growing well too. This started off as a few trimmings tied onto a driftwood stick! It now goes just about the whole length of the tank:

Nice looking tank, I'm about start my own shrimp only, consider doing a dsm with moss and hc... Looking to keep low tech as well...
Thanks Steve! Nice one, it's brilliant when they start to breed. I think I'm on my 3rd generation at the moment in this tank! What type of shrimp are you planning? What size tank is it? I really like low tech, so easy to keep! My advice would be to pack it with plants! That's what I did and I haven't had to do a water change in about 2 months because I just top up to make up for evaporation.
What's up Ali?!🙂
This is a gorgeous nano set up. I'd love mine to look like this! You thought of changing your tank for something bigger and if so what would you go for if you've thought about it anyway. Watching the thread either way
Thanks very much motionless! Very kind of you to say that. It would be nice to change to a slightly bigger tank at Christmas but I will see how the tank is going at that point. I think I would only upgrade to a 30 litre to keep electricity costs down! I would love either one of these as an upgrade: ADA Do!aqua Cube Glass - buy Aqua Design Amano Aquariums | The Green Machine or Dennerle Nano Cube 30 L - Aquaristic The pressure is on to keep updating this journal then!🙂
Looks nice, my only beef is the fish, far too many for a 20l I would of just stuck with shrimp.
Thanks! Fair enough mate, however, bare in mind the fish are about 2cm a time. And there is about 10 plants to every fish in there!
My Nitrate test kit doesn't see a problem!😉
Hi everyone🙂
I took delivery of some nice Hydrocotyle Tripartita from a member on here today and got it in the tank. Hopefully it will find the light and the leaves will start posing for photos!😉 I'm also thinking about getting some nicer shrimp with Christmas money (I know I'm a bit early!) I was thinking maybe some CRS and thought these were about the right price range for me: Crysta Red - Grade S-S+ - Aquarium shrimps plants aquascaping London I've got time to think about it though! Anyway, a few pictures:
6blp.jpg l8ai.jpg

And a few shrimp shots:

vzou.jpg yyho.JPG


This last shot made me laugh. You'll see two mother shrimp who look like they're chatting! "These eggs are getting bloody heavy! How are yours?"😛


Thanks Michael!🙂 It certainly makes a change from the super-high-tech tanks on here. I like it as I don't need to be so religious with water changes and maintenance as the plants soak up most waste matter.
Thar she blows! I love a good nano, and this one's a Hot Patootie. Liking the Riccia very much.
All the best from Bill. 😀
Thar she blows! I love a good nano, and this one's a Hot Patootie. Liking the Riccia very much. All the best from Bill.
Haha, thanks very much Bill!😀 Next time I do a trimming of the Riccia I'll give you a shout. 90 pence postage and I'll send some your way!