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Magnesium Sulphate... do you dose it?

Afraid so. Most of the Barr Report is subscription only but is well worth the small fee. There is a wealth of information on it.

Hi All, worcester water is very hard and i still add half a tea spoon of MG twice a week, (it seems to work for me) regards john. 8)
I used to add magnesium when I dosed dry ferts. No idea the Gh,KH or content of my water except being in a rural area it will be high in P and N. George says his water is hard and I am in the same region so I expect I have hard water too.

Never hurt me to add MGSO4 though so I did it.

Using TPN+ now so no idea what I am adding. lol

You can get 500g of MgS04 on ebay for £3.95 inc postage if you can't find it at Boots! 😉
You thing you can do is simply add the MgSO4 to the Trace mixture.
TMG has some Mg in it.

But generally, not enough.

Mg defiencies are a lot more common as many assume their GH is a nice mix of Ca and Mg.
Often it's not.

Adding a tad more Mg will/should not harm anything I know of(say 8 ppm per week).
That should more than supply a non limiting amount to plants.

Few planted tanks will ever use 30ppm of N per week.
So Mg is about 7-8x less so the min amount for non limiting levels are likely around 4-5ppm per week for Mg.

I resolved this issue by adding GH booster which has K+, Ca, Mg and if you add enough, say 2 extra GH degrees, it'll resolve most all issues relating to Ca, K, Mg.

If you know more specifics about the source tap and it is consistent(often assumed that it is, but rarely so), or use RO/DI etc, then you can tailor more.

Perhaps all you need for James' tank is some MgSO4.
In that case, just add a few teaspoons of Epsom to the TMG jug/CMS +B etc.

Tom Barr
Arana said:
I have been dosing EI using the excellent NutriCalc recommended by Matt ( 😀


I downloaded the Nutricalc thingymjig and have got a little green fish looking thing as an icon on my desktop. If I click on it it opens up a table 😀 Great so far, but what are you supposed to do next and what figures are we supposed to be making a note of 😳 :?

I typed in the figure 150 and clicked on the litres check button. This is based on the fact that my Juwel Trigon 190 holds 190 litres and I deducted 40 litres displaced by the substrate and the rocks etc. So 150 litres it is. Do I only have to then click on calculate or something and read off the figures?? :?

What is the ID box for? And the Description box? Whats the notes bit for at the bottom? Why is Thursday written in bold? Errr anyone got an idiots guide for this, don't mean to cause offence to whoever designed the table just need some help to understand it better :?

Sorry there are so many questions but any advice will be very welcome.


john starkey said:
Hi All, worcester water is very hard and i still add half a tea spoon of MG twice a week, (it seems to work for me) regards john. 8)

Hi John I have just bought a tub of Epsom Salts from the chemist - 100% MGSO4. Re the above half a teaspoon twice a week, how many litres does your tank hold and how much would I need to add for 150 litres? :?

