Anyone had success with Ludwigia Glandulosa in low light to moderate light conditions?
I have 96 watts of T8 lighting 6000K over 75 gallon .EI dosing once a week or two, 3\4 tsp KNO3 ,1\2 Tsp KH2PO4 along with weekly CSM+B.
Substrate is 80 lbs of Eco-(semi) Complete 🙄 capped with fine gravel. Tank is approx seven months old and well planted and has been doing well. Plant's are largely Sword,crypt,and vals which are being replaced(vals) with crypt Retrospiralis, and crypt Balansae. Bronze crypt I have remains reddish brown if this helps any.
Tank is non co2 that gets water change approx once every couple months.
Approx 80 small tetras,pencilfish,whiteclouds,corydoras. Water is moderately hard, pH 7.4 from the tap and tank sets at 7.2. Temp 74/75 degrees F
As mentioned,,I'm pulling out the leopard vals ,and replacing them with afore mentioned crypt's and ordered the Ludwigia Glandulosa on a whim.(felt I had to try it)
Would welcome all thoughts,many thanks in advance.
I have 96 watts of T8 lighting 6000K over 75 gallon .EI dosing once a week or two, 3\4 tsp KNO3 ,1\2 Tsp KH2PO4 along with weekly CSM+B.
Substrate is 80 lbs of Eco-(semi) Complete 🙄 capped with fine gravel. Tank is approx seven months old and well planted and has been doing well. Plant's are largely Sword,crypt,and vals which are being replaced(vals) with crypt Retrospiralis, and crypt Balansae. Bronze crypt I have remains reddish brown if this helps any.
Tank is non co2 that gets water change approx once every couple months.
Approx 80 small tetras,pencilfish,whiteclouds,corydoras. Water is moderately hard, pH 7.4 from the tap and tank sets at 7.2. Temp 74/75 degrees F
As mentioned,,I'm pulling out the leopard vals ,and replacing them with afore mentioned crypt's and ordered the Ludwigia Glandulosa on a whim.(felt I had to try it)
Would welcome all thoughts,many thanks in advance.