A while ago I rescaped the 45L, taking out the original piece of wood and move all the plants onto a new, twiggier bit of wood my dad picked out at Riverwood Aquatics. I did it partly because the duckweed was in the emergent moss and wouldn't go away, and all my chilli rasboras disappeared which was very mysterious. Current thought is my betta ate them? Though I never saw any suggestions that he might, pure guesswork, he never ate any shrimps though they were fine. Anyway, this change of wood caused the tank to crash completely, most of the shrimps died and I had a massive smelly bacterial bloom. I didn't take any photos because it just didn't look like much, just very grey which was annoyingly reflective. It looked like the upsidedown, luckily my betta renamed Vecna and the one remaining chili rasbora survived luckily and eventually it cleared with some Seachem Clarity & filter floss. A few weeks after, decided to try some ember tetras as I thought the betta can't fit them in his big mouth, but in the 45 I literally never saw them, they were so shy and hid in the wood (which has a lot of good hiding places), even during feeding time. They did survive though!
After all that palava, I was looking for something to improve it, and so I jumped at the chance to buy one of the 60cm tanks
@LondonAquascaper was selling on here, dimensions 60x30x36. I moved the epiphyte-covered wood from the 45L, added some Wio Wetland Artist Pale as an experiment (I can't quite tell if it is nutrious for plants from the description tbh, but it looks nice), then added the hydrocotyle-marsilea-eleocharis carpet that was in my 90cm stickleback tank to this one too. Huzzah, with a bit of scape recycling I have an immediately fully planted look! Added in a few beautiful extra buces from a lovely friend (including the fabulous big one on the right side), and a few extra plants from trusty Wildwoods (Cyperus helferi, Ludwigia helminthorrhiza and Ceratopteris thalictroides), and we're going places! Lowtech, and looking p lush.
Immediately this tank has been a pleasure... it's in a much better spot with some sunlight on one side, the spotlight light I pinched from my dad's terrarium is fabulously shimmery, and the tetras are loving it. Now when I feed they are VORACIOUS. I can lie on the sofa and watch it for maximum enjoyable relaxing viewing too. Last week I went to the LFS to get some marine stuff and I was randomly offered some free mixed red schooling fish and shrimps that had just been given in from a customer who was moving country. It looked like mostly embers, so I took them. It turned out to have embers, some ruby tetras and two beautiful coral red pencilfish! All very healthy and thriving together now. I would love more of the pencils, not sure if these ones will be moved to the big South American tank when that's set up in a bigger group, or if I could add 4 females to this tank and keep it a smaller group. They're just so ££££ that a bigger group is a bit of a stretch.
Of course a week in my beautiful blue betta completely disappeared, nothing can ever go completely well apparently. I think sadly it might have jumped out, and become a delicious snack for one of the kittens
🙁 The water line isn't very high, but I guess in a new place it needs to be covered for longer!