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Lots of plants.

Since than I have never achieved a nice tank like that lol. In the journal you will some Anubia and other plant I have found.
Sorry to hijack your journal mate.
No Problems I think is very interesting.
Also I find out that Poaceae 'Purple Bamboo', which I have got has two different colours. The one of them is gets dark purple and the other one is looks like yours from your pic. and size also a bit smaller.
The plant you were asking, is it the one the left ?
Yes it is from this pic. on the left side.



  • rapehura.jpg
    892.2 KB · Views: 127
Thanks for pulling this up Maria :) I'd not seen this one either.

I'd bought plants from Aqua Tank too!

Re: Poaceae 'Purple Bamboo

Nice to see it in it's healthy form. I've been struggling with it in a couple of tanks now since getting some off BigTom when he left edinburgh. I'm going to give it another shot once i have the new tank running. Down to two stems growing immersed currently. :(