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Losing my patience

If you systematically alter one component at a time, you’ll find the culprit

Though I can appreciate the impulse just to sort this NOW

Anytime I have erratic bubble rate, it’s always a leak - slow leaks are not simple to detect, and some may only be apparent when system is under pressure, eg, diffuser blocking, solenoid closed, solenoid not opening fully
(Which is why I’d prefer the retailer to test the system ... but this is much more in CO2Art style)
Seems like changing the diffuser hasn't helped at all 🙁 I set it to 80bpm two days ago and now it has climbed up to 120bpm. Lol this is gonna be an algae farm as I have just upgraded to a twinstar light!!

Any suggestions on what to eliminate next @Zeus. @alto @zozo ? The needle valve is probably the next culprit. I have emailed the retailer again to get their input.

My needlevalve does the samething. Some days i get 4bps some i get 3bps but never had algae issues. I have zero leaks but i think the needle valves in the cheap single stage co2 regulators are not precise unless you spend 200 quid on a regulator then you wont have BPS going up some days and spme days down.