It will be intresting to see if using loads of fast growers out competes the BBA but then won't this just cause increases in organic waste requiring incresed water chnges etc.
Personally I'm doubting that despite the excellent results some get with EI that lower levels of nutrients, excellent water quality ie like chalk streams/coral reefs is the better way as excess nutrients in these systems we know causes major problems with alge etc food for thought.
This assumes that algae needs your ferts to survive and won't be able to utilise whatever is being generated by the bacteria in the substrate or water column. Algae is much more efficient than plants in many ways and bacteria in the tank will continue to produce inorganic nutrients long after ferts are stopped.
In a tank, other than algae eaters, plants are the only other competitors and affect algae in many ways. But you're right that sometimes even that may not be enough, because you also need the right kind of bacterial action (not too much ammonia being produced, not anaerobic etc.), which is itself driven by organics.
Thus is why, to control nutrients (not only the types of but also their levels) we still need to control organics. In a highly planted tank this will include a lot of cleaning.