Vsevolod Stakhov
Well, after some experiments I consider Potassium as an element which just need to be sufficient and stable (most importantly stable, tbh). All experiments to reduce it has caused stagnation and algae. Increasing Potassium levels were not harmful at all (even at 100ppm in hard water). That's why I've decided to treat Potassium as a water mineralisation part: I just add some dry K2SO4 on water changes and forget about it.am not sure if you need the additional K, have you tried without it? would like to see the results.
I know that some people keep low potassium levels, like 2-3ppm. But my plants just don't like that from what I've observed in the past. I can say the same for Iron: that's why I had to replace one TEC-SF dose with pure Fe dosing and added extra Fe as well. When I've used pure TEC-SF without any additions I got quite a bad problems with red algae and plants health. The only suspection was that traces level were too high relative to Fe. After increasing Fe and slight decreasing of traces I got stable growth, good colours and no algae issues.
Again, with Solufeed TEC, the iron percentage is much higher relative to other traces, so presumably there is no need in additional Fe. However, EDTA is no option for a hard water tank: it disappears in hours at PH=7.5.