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Looking for a shoal of small fish for my 120L tank


19 Nov 2009
Cape Town, South Africa

After almost a year growing plants, and with the basis of plant maintenance sorted out, I am now moving to scapes.

I have a Rekord 120, which is 100cm long, 36cm wide and 50cm tall.

I would like to have on one corner a java fern on wood, and the rest carpeted, with a mound of red crypts on the other corner.

For the carpet it will be a mix of Lileaopsis Brasiliensis, Staurogyne and Marsileas.

I have neons, about 10 of them and corydoras.

The cory's will be kept, they are really nice fish, but I am looking at having a small fish shoal. Something that would not be sucked up by the filter, that is.

The tank will be pumped to the max with CO2, so the PH will be acidic.

Any suggestions?
Thanks, good sugestion. I will read more on them, but it seems that as they need soft and acidic water, they would be a good choice. They are small, so 20 could be kept on the tank with the Cory's.
Green neon tetras - sometimes called false neons - much nicer colouring than the normal neons (less red with a more turquoise than blue stripe), and smaller.

rummy nose tetra are great shoalers, but get up to about 5cm.

Both look great in a planted tank.
You could be a shoal of 30 greens would be far more dramitic than two rather timid small shoals of each.
Thanks.. That would be true.. And everyone in the house likes neons.. :)

Ok, so a shoal of 30 neons it is. For Cory's I got 6 Corydoras schultzei and lot's of Cherry Shrimp.
