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Long term low-tech planted aquarium

Am I the only one that mistook the background for an extension of the aquascape, in the picture?
Am I the only one that mistook the background for an extension of the aquascape, in the picture?
@Aqua360 LOL, No I got "fooled" for a moment as well when I saw it yesterday. The way the picture was taken makes it look very natural... of course, the heater and air-stone right there is a dead giveaway.
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I’ve planted the Water Sprite, Hornwort and Elodea. I’m on Day 4 of daily 50% water changes. What should I look for now? Side shoots growth? Or just keeping them alive will be a sign of some sort of progress? (ultimate goal is to add livestock at the right time)

I’ve propagated the chopped tops of the Alternanthera a week ago and they are full of new roots today! (accidentally uprooted them) It’s a good sign isn’t it? That they want to stay? 😬

However my Anubias nana seems to be very unhappy ☹️ Should i remove the dying leaves to encourage new shoots? although new shoots melted recently so i don’t know what to do? Keep them ugly like that?
Thanks again



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Hi everyone, I’m just in search of some directions please.

My tank has been flooded for 10 days now. Daily 50% water change for 6 days.

Yesterday we’ve removed the crushed corals (we were going to add Guppies but we gave up the idea) from the Oase Biomaster filter and replaced it with the original sponge pad. There’s Biohone media there too from day one.

I’ve just tested the water and these are the results:
PH 7.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate - not sure, it’s not completely 0 but not dark enough for 5ppm

I’m not sure where I am with those results? Hasn’t my tank cycle started yet?

The plants are OK, “carpeting” plants are growing new white roots, stem plants are slowly getting new side shoots. I’ve removed the dying Anubias.

But this morning I’ve got a big diatoms bloom.

We’re dying to add a few Red Rilli Shrimps not sure if it’s safe yet?

Thank you for any suggestions or advices.



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