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Long holiday - how to manage tank?

Have you got one Steve? How much ferts can you put in one?

Sent from my STH100-2 using Tapatalk

I have picked one up, but as suggest have yet to use, here the instruction that come with it:


Hope you can see ok, your only need used on the amount of ferts that indicate on the Dosator for the size of your tank.


you can also use a second unit to supply tank with their S7 ferts thou this only last 7 days, as suggest will only be using with their V30 ferts and iron tabs.
I have picked one up, but as suggest have yet to use, here the instruction that come with it:

View attachment 113086

Hope you can see ok, your only need used on the amount of ferts that indicate on the Dosator for the size of your tank.

View attachment 113091

you can also use a second unit to supply tank with their S7 ferts thou this only last 7 days, as suggest will only be using with their V30 ferts and iron tabs.
So how much water in ml's would be in it at the 300ltr mark mate? It actually looks a lot bigger than I thought now I can see it in your hand.

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Not much, just under 10ml.
Thanks for confirming that Steve. Still handy for smaller tanks though.

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I wonder what would happen if you just put a months worth of dry salt in it and left it in the tank? The water is still going to enter it through osmosis and eventually drip it all in the tank I guess once mixed with tank water.
Why not add your fert to your top up water? Sincr you do know how much your tank uses each week.

If you have no problem to spend £.
You could get two ATO units.

The first for your sump and the second for your ATO reservoir - this adds extra level of redundancy and would prevent your ATO dumping all the water in.

I have done this in my reef tank and has worked like a charm.

Rerfloat is a UK based manufacturer and uses IR sensor. The other are tunze, aquamedic etc. You could also conjure one using Float valves and relay- If you are up for a bit of diy.

Just make sure that the end of the ATO tubing is higher than your reservoir, else this would result in a siphon. If the end of the hose is way too high and you are getting splashing noise, you could add a larger diameter hose/pipe from there onwards so that it does not create siphon.

You other option would be to get a doser and make up a stock solution - I use a doser on mine.

Cheap ones are Jebao.
The other good ones are - Kamoer, aquamedic, bubble Magnus. If you are after really elite ones -GHL doser, Pacific sun kore, Apex DOS

Feeding - auto feeder. Eheim and JBL are excellent - I use them daily on my tanks and have excellent battery life. Pellets would be the way to go.

If you want more piece of mind - invest in an aquarium controller which has web interface like - GHL Profilux 3/4, Apex, Seneye.

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You could of course, just leave the tank as is.

Before I built my dosing pumps and tank controller, I had previously left the tank for over 3 weeks no issues.

- Turn lighting (and CO2) period down to say 4 hours. Start this weeks before tank is going to be left.
- Peform large water change and tank vaccum as near as possible to when going to be left, my case is usually weekend before going away.
- Use a timer based fish feeder feed fish whilst you are away. Fish can survive a long weekend without feeding, but not a week or more.
- I dumped a large macro dose of fertz before going away.

When back, water change and vaccum as soon as possible, resume dosing and start increasing light level back to "normal".
Evaporation is main issue. It loses 3 ltr a day approx. If i can sort out a top up, then tone down light etc, should be ok.
Couple of solutions spring to mind...

1. Inverted filled bottle of water "dangling" in tank (or sump). As water level falls water comes out of the bottle keeping level constant.
2. Auto level and fill float valve, in sump or tank. Technically more challenging with great potential for flooding if done wrong.
3. Cover tank temporarily with clear cover. Made from thick enough acrylic sheet will be fine. Needs to be on clips, below tank rim level so condensation drips drop back in tank. Also any reduction in light level will be fine and useful if tank is to be left unattended. Search internet, 6mm x 400mm x 400mm sheet for £8 odd. Couple of sheets that size will be fine. Do same for the sump.
Before I built my dosing pumps and tank controller, I had previously left the tank for over 3 weeks no issues.

Yeah I'll agree with that, I left my tank for six weeks totally knocked off from the power (Long story) it was in summer so was getting some light from a window and the weather was warm. Came back to no fish losses and the plants hadn't suffered at all really. The upside was because I had Amanos and Ottos in there the tank was virtually Algae free. A combination of gradually turning the light period down over a few months, a good few WC's the week before you go and a decent EI style dose combined with some slow release root tabs I reckon your tank won't even know for the first 2 or 3 weeks that you're not even there.

If you brim the tank with water before you leave and leave some prepared water you could ask you Air BNB guests just to pour some of that in if water gets down to a certain level, maybe put a bit of tape on the glass so they know when. They might only have to do it once.