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Loas Micro - Crab/Shrimp Pix added

tim said:
tiny little things those crabs mate make your crs look huge :lol: really like that filter you built mate ideal for a pico :clap:

Cheers, yeah they are alot smaller than the ones you normally find in the stores, but I am very happy with them. They are shrimp and fish safe, have not seen them take a shrimplet before. they might have a go at them as they are in larger numbers than I normally keep them in. The filter is Nice and it suits this size perfectly. You can make it any size you want and use what ever pump or powerhead suits your needs.

Ady34 said:
Great little set up Gill.
CRS are lovely looking shrimp, be interesting to see how the micro crabs fare, they seem interesting but can't make them out too well on my tiny phone screen, I'll have to wait to get a decent sized image on a computer :lol:

They should do fine, as the lava rock creates lots of nooks and crannies for them to feel secure within.
Modded the Inlet to how I wanted it. Did not have any straight connectors to had, so smashed an old air stone and used the straight peice from that. Worked fine, and now have clearairline on the Inlet. Also found a Double Airline Holder in my supplies box. So have Inlet/Outlet aligned better in the bowl.
Have fed them all a few hikari shrimp cuisine pellets yesterday and they pounced on them. Will feed once or twice a week, as there is plenty for them to graze on in this bowl.
I am tempted to to make this on a larger scale as have a few interesting bowls and a Victorian Cloche that would make a great submersed area and a great palludarium.

I do enjoy the challenge of making a scape on a budget and being inventive in how to use hardscape and plants.
Had a Little Mishap yesterday Afternoon, Had forgotten that the bowl sits in window in full sun. So lost one of the larger CRS. Did a large water change to cool it down. All ok Now, And Added a Sun Shield to keep it in the shade( used the lid from a polybox -white so will reflect the heat).
Unfortunate again Gill 🙁
On the computer now and those micro crabs look cool, great little set up....just hope you can keep the temps stable enough.
I'm sorry to hear about your shrimp - that's not a nice thing to discover. Hope your shielding proves effective, and that the rest continue to thrive!

Do you think additional feeding is necessary? I've got a similarly sized tank (well, a vase actually - about 7 litres) with 5 - 7 small cherry shrimp in. I haven't fed them at all yet, and they've been in there about a month, and they're moulting and growing. I don't want to pollute the tank; but I don't want to starve them, either!
I am only going to feed them every so often. I will most likely forget to feed them, but I won't worry as the hair grass Carpet was mature, so there is lots for them to graze on already. Plus I always add some IAL for them all to graze on and a few Shirakura Mineral Stones.
I love your bowl...

I actually have a walstad bowl so no heater or filter. I change water once every 2-3 weeks and love the out come. I dont even use lighting! (I did to take these nice photos) 🙂 it sits in my kitchen window getting indirect sun light! check it out. 🙂




Just waiting for my riccia to shoot through now. its my third walstad bowl so I know riccia will be fine and should be about 2 weeks and it will begin to poke through. 🙂
cheers gill! yeah ill post some more up when I start noticing stuff growing. all in good time. I only have anubias nana petite and riccia so no threat of dead plantage! should be a while for the anubias to grow but the riccia will be along soon 🙂
jackrythm said:
cheers gill! yeah ill post some more up when I start noticing stuff growing. all in good time. I only have anubias nana petite and riccia so no threat of dead plantage! should be a while for the anubias to grow but the riccia will be along soon 🙂

Yeah, have a Little clump of Riccia on the bogwood. I leave it floating in the main tank, and then use it when needed.
This is going great, shrimp are doing well, and trimmed the hairgrass a few times already.
Crabs are more adventorous and see them out and about during the day. I know I have a few pairs of these as saw one pair mating the other day.
Shrimp are all well, and getting nice and big. The HF male is very well, and is always grazing on stuff in the moss.

This is no longer filtered, just top it up every so often with mature water from the main tank. And add some shredded peices of IAl to it.
So this has been left in the dark, on a shelf in the outside Loo. Bought it in yesterday and amazed at how little evaporation there has been.
Topped it up and did a bit of tidying. Still a few snails and crabs in it. And the Willow Moss is still growing away even in the dark.
Will add some more pix later.
Sorry to bring up an old thread, but was wondering where you got the crabs from?