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Loads of lilly questions


24 Apr 2008
im thinking of redoing my tank,with mostly lilies.
I have some nymphaea stellata (red tropical liles) that are on bulbs.
Im also going to be getting some NYMPHAEA MACULATA (RED AFRICAN TIGER LOTUS LILY) but it states that thay are not attached to rhizome .
Will the plant form a rhizome eventually,if left to grow?
Also can you get a green african tiger lotus lilly?,or dose this depend on light levels as to what colour you get?
Has anyone ever done a lilly only tank scape?
Im thinking that some green will be needed to break uo the red,maybe a few vals in the background and a few crypts in the foreground.
Are lilies fast enough growers to handel a high light tank,or should i go with a lower light set up?

many thanls
Nymphae Zenkeri (True Tiger Lotus) Red

Nymphae Zenkeri (True Tiger Lotus) Green

Nuphar Japonica (often incorrectly called Spatterdock) in the centre

Nymphae Rubra (Not true tiger lotus)

And I guess you could call this a Lily tank.
Bad idea if you want to see your fish as it makes things very dark. lol

Nice andy
Where did you buy them.?
Ive looked on greenline and thay sell NYMPHAEA MACULATA ?? isnt this a true form?
id love a green lilly
I bought all the Nympheae from Aquatic Magic last year, the Nuphar (labelled Spatterdock) from a non business seller on ebay.

Not sure if yours is Tiger lotus or not. I put true and not true because people just label all the lilys 'Tiger Lotus' as they sell better. Rubra for example has no flecs which you can clearly see in the pic of my green one and not so much on the red one. This is where the 'tiger' nickname comes from. Even so most people selling Rubra will call it 'Tiger Lotus'. I guess you will have to wait and see when it matures a little.

So what did PJAN use in this one (best lilly scape I know, 2005 AGA contest winner), it looks completely green with no spots or stripes at all! Apparently it is Nymphaea glandulifera but I've never seen itfor sale? (more photo's here: http://showcase.aquatic-gardeners.org/2005.cgi?&Scale=514&op=showcase&category=0&vol=2&id=64)

Oh and Clive, note the colour and form of his Blyxa - this is a high light tank.

Looks like the real spatterdock to me. Nuphar Adventii <----something like that. lol

Apon closer lookin on greenline,i noticed in their rare section,that thay had Nymphae Zenkeri (green tigers on bulbs) for sale
100 in stock,first come first served basis.
I put in a order and thay came today....dont look much yet,but fingers crossed that thay will grow into beauties.
Should be a small bulb 1cmish and look like you would expect of an outdoor bulb. I would take off all leaves, plant it and let it grow afresh. I don't like adding old growth too much with lilys because they are so prolific anyway. Sometimes the bulb does go to sleep for a few weeks though before regrowing. Not often but sometimes.
