I think Hinterfield trade as Aquahk-uk on eBay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Chihiros...hash=item33e73817ef:m:mOnA3zByJ2wJgP6oh5RvLUQ
Yes they are.. And see the price difference of Ebay free P&P £82.00 compaired to their home brewn webshop £69.27 but than you pay shipping. I'm not sure if ebay to UK is TAX free at this sum. For me it's not, anything over €22.00 ordered outside EU is +21% regardles the ebay price. But this i only notice at pay checkout.. Anyway Hinterfeld offers..
But outside EU and likely VAT will be added..Some EU countries free shipping over USD80. Actual shipping fee is shown in you cart when check out.
So be carefull with the alledged free international P&P and check before you hit the ebays buy now button.. SInce 82.00 GPB = 116.77917 USD
Many ebay and Amazon etc. vendors also have a webshop on their own. (Aquadepod Europe is one of them also). Then you pay exta ebay or amazon fee.)
Anyway ebay charges in this case £ 13.50 shipping... My fat behind Free P&P.