You may be surprised at the amount of light is in that indirect light.Dear Annie,
please excuse my post above. a.)Since the system ran accidentially without artificial light now for 9 weeks, it is not an adequate reaction to your initial question. b.) i wont proceed the experiment, because sunlight has no too much decreased, if at all an hour or so, and also i want to be able to stare into the tank when i come home after work.
What i can contribute is the observation of slight growth and not stagnation, on eleocharis mini, juncus repens, helanthium tenellum, lilaeopsis and frogbit, during the two months without artificial light. (+CO2 injection and some tabs in the sand)
currently my 55 has 1535 Lux (est 35 par) hitting it from indirect sunlight.
Tank looks dark.
Just use a phone app for lux and divide reading by 43.5 for daylight